12/21 |
Homeroom/SEL Lesson (8th grade) - High School Registration, 10:50 AM |
12/24 - 1/1 |
Schools Closed - Winter Break |
1/7 |
Mt. Hebron Virtual Parent/Guardian Info Night for rising 9th graders, 6:30PM |
1/13 |
PTA Meeting, 7 PM |
1/14 |
Rising 6th Grade Parent/Guardian Orientation, 6:30 PM |
1/18 |
Schools Closed - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day |
1/29 |
Schools Closed - Professional Work Day |
2/4 |
Back to School Knight (second semester) Save the Date |
2/5 |
Report Cards Posted |
2/9 |
Music Boosters Meeting, 7 PM Zoom |
On January 14 at 6:30 PM, we welcome our rising 6th grade parents to attend our Virtual Orientation to learn about middle school, the 6th grade schedule, and answer any questions about the transition to middle school. We will be meeting at the code PMS-Orientation. Please use your student's username and password (credentials) to access the Google Meet.
We look forward to seeing you at orientation! Go Knights!
Please plan ahead! There will be no meal service December 24-January 1. To ensure children have access to essential nutrition during the holiday period, families may pick up additional meals in advance of the break, by visiting any open meal site on Wednesday, December 23.
Additionally, pre-ordering will not be available for meals picked up December 21–23 or January 4–6. Walk up (non-pre-ordered) meals may be picked up those and other days schools are in session.
For more information and updates for Winter Break meal services, please read the latest information
Love to Read!
Join our book club where we will select an outstanding book from Maryland’s student nominated Black-Eyed Susan list with stories that connect to your own lives and experiences. We will share insights and impressions on the books that we read.
Meeting Dates: 1/25/21, 2/1/21, 2/8/21, 2/22/21, 3/1/21, 3/8/21
Meeting Time: 3:30-4:30 pm
Meetings will be virtual. Google Meet code will be PMS-lovetoread
Google form (clickable link) response will be accepted until January 15, 2021
Sponsored by Ms. Vasquez & Ms. Mahoney
Scratch Code Club
Are you interested in making an online game? Want to code to create a choose your own adventure program? Maybe you just want to be creative? Scratch coding club is the place to be if you want to learn and share some neat Scratch projects! Sign up for the after school club from 3:15 to 4:15 on Tuesdays.
Scratch is a block-based visual programming language and website targeted primarily at children to help learn code. Users of the site can create projects on the web using a block-like interface. Students can create their own interactive stories, games, and animation.
Dates: 1/19, 1/26, 2/2, 2/16, 2/23, 3/2
Meeting Time: 3:15-4:15 pm
Meetings will be virtual. Google Meet code will be provided prior to the first meeting.
Sign Up Form*: https://forms.gle/G44BLfXRyM56hQNB7
Sign Up is limited to the first 25 participants!
Sponsored by Mr. Dymek
Delta Scholars
Mentoring Program - Academic Support
A group for 7th and 8th grade African American young ladies who will be mentored by the Mount Hebron Delta Scholars group. The students will be given time to get help with homework, free time, as well activities that will help them get through middle school years. If interested email
Sponsored by Ms. Lee
Click here for more information and feel free to email attendance notes to: pmsabsence@hcpss.org
Dec. 21st at 10:50am
Homeroom / SEL time Lessons: High School Registration (Dec. 21st)
Dec. 21st 6:30-7:30pm
Counselor Drop-in Hours for High School Registration Questions
Google Meet Code: PMS-Registration (use HCPSS credentials)
Dec. 21st to Jan. 15th
Students/parents in rising 9th grades enter additional course requests, including 4 alternate classes, in HCPSS Connect (Synergy). Students and Parents at this time can also fill out a Course Placement Review Form (CPR) if they would like to request a different course than what was recommended by the teacher.
Mt. Hebron Virtual Parent Information Night
Jan. 7th, 2021 at 6:30pm
Parent/Guardian Information and Breakout
This is a time where important information will be shared to ensure a smooth transition and successful experience for the Class of 2025.
A Glimpse of the Topics to be Discussed:
Graduation Requirements
Scheduling for 9th Graders
Extracurricular Opportunities
Academic Area Presentations
Parent Groups, Resources & Supports
Meet Instructional Team Leaders
Career Academy Virtual Information Session:
Thursday, January 7, 2021, 7-8 p.m. — Online
Parents/guardians of, and students in grades 8-10 are invited to attend a virtual information session on the HCPSS Career and Technical Education Career Academies. Participants will learn how CTE Career Academies provide high school students with opportunities to earn college credit, scholarships, and industry certifications, participate in worksite and mentorship experiences, and become creative problem solvers by participating in hands-on project-based learning.
Click the link below to register for a session: https://news.hcpss.org/news-posts/2020/11/career-academies-virtual-information-sessions-december-8-2020-january-7-2021/
Interested in JROTC?
Applications are open now thru January 5th! JROTC is available at Atholton High School, Howard High School, and Oakland Mills High School. For more information please visit the JROTC News Page.
For more information: mental health and wellness information and supports
This year, the Scripps National Spelling Bee has developed an online testing platform that will allow Patapsco Middle to host an online school spelling bee, while your children are learning remotely from your homes.
More information is located on our website: https://pms.hcpss.org/news/2020/12/scripps-national-spelling-bee
A new process will be enabled in January 2021 to allow students to show a preferred name in Synergy, Canvas and Google. Students can follow this process.
Go to hcpss.me
Go to Synergy
Click on “Student Info” in the lower left
Look for the “Preferred First Name” field to see what is there now.
This name will show in Canvas and Google beginning the first week of January, 2021.
If you do not want this name to show or would like something else to show, contact your administrator by December 21, 2020.
If you do want this name to show, you don’t need to do anything.
Note: The preferred name will carry over from year to year unless a change is requested. Once a requested change is made, that preferred name will remain for the student’s HCPSS career unless another change is requested through the school secretary/administrator.
For students who are transgender or gender non-binary, there is an additional procedure to mask their legal name and/or gender assigned at birth, providing additional confidentiality. If you think this may apply to you, please reach out to your school counselor to discuss. Let your counselor know that you are interested in learning about the presenting name option/masking process.
MAST Outstanding Educator Awards - Accepting Nominations
For more information MAST.pdf
HCC’s well-known Kids on Campus program provides enrichment education for youth ages 8 to 17. Topics range from Art from Around the World, Roblox, Nature Explorers, Math enrichment, World Languages, and SAT Prep. HCC Kids on Campus has something for every interest! This could be a great opportunity for students to supplement around content areas they want to learn more about or need support in! Upcoming available courses can be found here. A limited number of scholarships are available for families who need financial aid. If you believe you may be eligible for financial aid, please complete this application and submit it via email to NoncreditFinAid@howardcc.edu as soon as possible.
Please visit the Community News and Programs page at http://www.hcpss.org/community-news-and-programs/ for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations.