Canvas Pages:
Students may access instructional materials via their teacher’s Canvas page.
If your child does not possess a device, one will be assigned by the school. Please contact our media assistant if you need a device.
Virtual Check-Ins:
Students may participate in two weekly virtual check-ins with each teacher to ask questions or receive help on assignments.
Days and times are available on all teacher’s canvas pages.
They are available two times per week for 20 minutes in the morning at 7:30 AM or 7:45 AM through Google Meet.
Academic Support Sessions:
Parents can sign their student up for a virtual academic support session through the HCPSS Evening School Program.
Support sessions are offered in the evening every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday with each session being 25 minutes.
Content areas include: ELA, Science, Math, and/or Social Studies
Email to sign up for one or more sessions
Social/ Emotional Support:
Parents and/or students who are in need of social/ emotional and well-being support can reach out to members of the Student Services team to schedule a time to meet:
Ms. Lee, School Counselor, Last Names A-L
Ms. Kempthorn, School Counselor, Last Names M-Z
Dr. Goldthrite, School Psychologist
Beginning the week of September 27, the HCPSS Evening School program will offer virtual grade-level academic support sessions for eligible elementary and middle school students who must quarantine or who are struggling academically. These sessions will be available on Google Meet each Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 6-8 p.m., and consist of parallel small group sessions in elementary English and math; and middle school English, math, science and social studies. Parents are encouraged to attend with their child.
Schools will contact the families of students designated as eligible to participate. Parents also may request that their child participate by contacting the school principal.
These sessions build on the existing cadre of supports for quarantining students, which include grade-level materials packets for elementary students, assignments and instructional materials posted on teachers' Canvas pages for all levels, and the availability of weekly virtual check-in sessions. Comprehensive information about the instructional supports available are provided on the HCPSS Students in Quarantine website.
As a reminder, parents/guardians will be notified by the school when their child must quarantine after testing positive for COVID-19 or identified as a close contact at school. It is important to note that close contact or quarantine does not indicate that those students or staff have tested positive.
Only unvaccinated students and adults who are identified as close contacts must quarantine. Vaccinated students and staff are not required to quarantine unless they receive a positive test or are displaying symptoms, but will need to monitor their symptoms closely for the 14 days. Criteria for identifying close contacts and quarantine requirements are established by the Maryland Department of Health and apply to all school systems.