Kelly Hearns
Shannon Motsco
Assistant Principal
School Overview
At Patapsco Middle School, we inspire all students to become life-long learners and responsible citizens.
Our Mission is To:
- Provide meaningful and challenging instruction
- Cultivate critical thinking and independence
- Foster a physically and intellectually safe environment
- Promote responsible citizenship in a diverse world
Staff Hours: 8:10 a.m.-3:40 p.m.
Student Hours:
- Doors Open 8:25 a.m.
- Classes Begin 8:30 a.m.
- Dismissal 3:15 p.m.
- "Excellence is Our Tradition"
- #OnePatapsco
- Where Everyone is Valued and Important
Bell Schedule:
Daily Bell Schedule 2024-2025.pdf (126.44 KB)
The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) School Report Card reflects overall school performance using a combination of academic and school quality indicators.
Fast facts about Patapsco Middle School listing special programs, total enrollment, accomplishments and more.
Cluster 6 Board of Education Representative
Howard County public schools are divided into school clusters, which are assigned to individual Board members to facilitate school visitations, attend special events, and provide a point of contact for each school community. View all BOE school cluster assignments.
Patapsco Middle School BOE Representative: Jacky McCoy