Student and Family Resources
Stay connected with the Patapsco Middle School PTA
Our Food and Nutrition Services page has a great deal of information, including meal prices, how to pay for meals, where to view menus, nutritional and allergen information, and more.
Canvas Resources
Canvas Resources
Canvas Resources
Patapsco Music Boosters
Liaisons serve as a resource in each school, working in collaboration with administrators, staff, families, and the community. Learn more about our Rainbow Representative, BSAP Achievement Liaison, Hispanic Achievement Liaison, and our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Liaison.
School Supports
HCPSS promotes the mental health and wellness of each of our students to develop their unique strengths, abilities, and characteristics towards success and well-being.
Every school in the Howard County Public School System has at least one staff member who serves as a Rainbow Representative.
HCPSS is committed to providing an educational and work environment that is free from discrimination, fosters equitable opportunities, and values diversity and commonality.
PMS supports our LGBTQ+ community with school and community opportunities. Please contact our Rainbow Representative , Ms. Kempthorn,, if you have questions.
Every school in the Howard County Public School System has at least one staff member who serves as a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Liaison.
HCPSS is committed to creating a welcoming and supportive environment and fostering strong bonds between schools, military service members and community organizations to support military-connected children and enhance the success of all students.