9/28: Schools and offices closed - Yom Kippur
9/29: Music Boosters, 7:00 PM
10/7: MAP testing
10/14: MAP testing
10/14: Internet Safety Presentation hosted by Patapsco PTA, 7:00 PM
10/16: Schools close 3 hours early. No half-day Pre-K/RECC
Dear Patapsco Middle School Community,
It was terrific to see so many families at our PTA meeting this week and at Back to School Knight last evening. If you were unable to attend or if you would like to review the Welcome Video or PowerPoints, they are located on our website. Feel free to reach out to your student’s teachers, counselors, or the administration if you have any questions.
In addition, we have several staff committees that support our school at Patapsco and one of our committees is the Family Engagement Committee. They would like to hear from you! They want to hear about any requests from families to create Family Engagement seminars around Virtual Learning. Please complete the survey so we can support you! Click here for Survey
Thank you for your support,
Mike Babe, Principal
Meal Distributions- FREE Meals for students 18 and under
Remember, Patapsco Middle is a food site and students may access Grab-and-Go meals at Patapsco. Please drive to the back of the building for access. A sign is posted. Meals will be served Monday through Friday between 8-9 a.m. and 10:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Breakfast and lunch can be picked up at either meal time. Meals will be provided free of charge for all students, subject to USDA funding availability. Detailed information about meals for the 2020-21 school year are provided online.
Deadline Extended!
Recovery of Learning Packets Due September 30
Recovery of Learning: Purpose and Submission
Students who received one or more ‘Incomplete(s)’ on the 2019-2020 Quarter 4 report card were issued summer "Recovery of Learning" summer packets to complete.
Completion of subject(s) in this packet will ensure that your child has worked through all of the standards that were taught and reviewed during distance learning and will result in a "Pass" for the Quarter 4 subject areas completed. To determine which subject areas received an incomplete and need packet completion, refer to the 2019-2020 Quarter 4 report card.
The due date for packet completion has been extended until September 30.
Once the appropriate sections of this packet are complete, you will need to:
- Confirm submission of the packet(s) by completing this Google form on or before September 30: https://bit.ly/HCPSSROLreturn
- If you are unable to complete the Google form online, please call to confirm your packet submission and leave a message at the following number: 410-313-1526.
- If you prefer to have support for the Google form submission in your language, you can call our HCPSS Call Center phone numbers:
Spanish - 410-313-1591
Korean - 410-313-1592
Chinese - 410-313-5920
2. Submit completed packet(s) by mail, drop off, or scan and email on or before September 30.
To mail completed packet(s), send to:
ROL Return: Board of Education
10910 Clarksville Pike
Ellicott City, MD 21042
To scan and email completed packet(s), send to: rolreturn@hcpss.org
You will be notified via email when your child’s packet is received and reviewed. If all necessary components are completed, your child’s Quarter 4 report card will be updated to reflect a “P” for passing the subject areas completed, as appropriate. When the update is complete, it will be viewable in Synergy.
Fall MAP Testing
On Wednesday October 7 and 14, students in grades 2-8 will take the Measured Academic Progress (MAP) assessment. The data from the MAP assessment will help schools and teachers measure where your child is starting the year academically. The HCPSS intends to also give the assessment in winter and spring to measure how your child’s learning is progressing throughout the year. The MAP test does not affect grades and the difficulty adjusts depending on how your child responds. It is normal for students to only answer about half the questions correctly. To learn more about the MAP assessment, please visit: https://www.nwea.org/the-map-suite/common-questions-families/
The Reading test will be offered on October 7 at 9 am and 1 pm. The Math test will be offered on October 14 at 9am and 1pm. Students may choose to attend either the morning or afternoon session. If your child is unable to attend, makeup testing will be offered during asynchronous learning times. Teachers will share Google Meet information and your student’s testing group as we get closer to the Oct 7th date. Please contact Mrs. Harmon, Assistant Principal, if you have any questions at andrea_harmon@hcpss.org.
HCPSS Free Flu Clinics, October 2020
HCPSS, the Howard County Health Department and the Maryland Partnership for Prevention again this year will offer flu clinics at no cost for both students and staff. Students/staff do not have to go to a clinic at their home school and may attend any clinic. Staff may find additional information online (staff login required).
Pre-registration is required, during which parents/guardians and/or staff will schedule an appointment at the clinic of their choice. Registration will open at the end of September, and details are forthcoming.
Flu clinics will take place outdoors and will utilize a drive-through or walk-through system. Anyone attending a clinic will be required to wear a mask or protective face covering.
All clinics will be held from 4-6 p.m. at the following dates/locations:
Wednesday, October 7
- Atholton HS
- Centennial HS
- Ducketts Lane ES
- Stevens Forest ES
Thursday, October 8
- Applications and Research Laboratory (ARL)
- Jeffers Hill ES
- Glenelg HS
- Wilde Lake HS
Friday, October 9
- Hammond MS
- Howard HS
- Laurel Woods ES
- Marriotts Ridge HS
Monday, October 12
- Bryant Woods ES
- Cradlerock ES
- Mt. Hebron HS
- Reservoir HS
Tuesday, October 13
- Deep Run ES
- Harper’s Choice MS
- Lisbon ES
- Oakland Mills HS
Wednesday, October 14
- Gorman Crossing ES
- Longfellow ES
- Long Reach HS
- River Hill HS
Important information for students currently enrolled in the following high school level courses: Algebra 1, Geometry GT, Algebra II GT, and/or 8th grade students currently enrolled in a World Language!
Attention Parents:
In accordance with Policy 8020: “Any high school course listed in the Middle School Course Catalog which is offered at the middle school is eligible for high school credit and will be treated as an equivalent.”
The student’s course grade will be recorded on the high school transcript.
The student’s grade will not be calculated into the high school grade point average.
If a student re-takes one of the high-school courses that was taken in middle school for which credit was earned:
- The high school grade(s) will be calculated into the GPA, and
- Only the first credit will be awarded.
If a student is receiving a full year of high school world language content within one middle school year, one high school credit will be awarded at the completion of that year. If a student is receiving the course content over two or three years, the high school credit will be awarded upon completion of the final year.
September 25, 2020 is the last day that you can withdraw from a high school level class without a W, showing up on the high school transcript.
Please contact your student's counselor should you have questions.
Kendra Lee (A-L) Kendra_Lee@hcpss.org
Morgan Kempthorn (M-Z) Morgan_Kempthorn@hcpss.org
Annual Coat Drive
In partnership with HCPSS Student Support Services and Howard County Community Organizations Active in Disaster (COAD), PTA Council of Howard County is supporting the annual coat drive to provide students in our own school community (and their families) who are in need of winter wear (coats, gloves, hats, and scarves).
Due to the schools being closed currently, this outreach project will operate differently this year.
Collection bins will be at Hollifield Station Elementary School for our community OR you may drop off your collected coats and other winter items on:
When: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 or Thursday, September 24, 2020
Time: between 11:00 am and 7:00 pm
Where: Howard County Community Organizations Active in Disaster (COAD),
9900 Washington Blvd., Suite 1
Laurel, MD 20723
Any family in need may receive items at the Coat Giveaway. No registration or proof of need required.
Saturday, October 10, 2020
10:00 am to noon (or until supplies last)
North Laurel Community Center, 9411 Whiskey Bottom Road, Laurel, MD 20723
The Howard County Public School System’s BSAP Saturday Math Academy (BSAP-SMA) has been in existence since 1992. The program was developed in collaboration with the HCPSS and parents as a response to requests for opportunities to network. The priority was to learn instructional mathematical strategies to support their children at home and to accelerate academic achievement.
Registration for the Fall 2020 BSAP Saturday Math Academy will be on September 26. Click here for more information, including registration information.
Family File
Please update your Family File today Friday, September 18th! You will need to go through the file, even if you do not have any changes, and hit "submit" at the end of the last page. That will complete the submission process.
Please click here https://www.hcpss.org/connect/ to log in to your HCPSS connect and complete the Family File Form.
Please click here https://www.hcpss.org/connect/guides/#family-file-guides for more information and instructions on how to complete your students Family File information.
Patapsco Music Boosters
The first meeting of the Patapsco Music Boosters will be held virtually at 7 PM on September 29, 2020. The Boosters are a parent and teacher non-profit group that provides support for and advocates for music ensembles in our school. We invite all parents of children in Band, Chorus, and Orchestra to join us for our first meeting of the year. You'll get to meet the Music Directors and help discuss plans, student needs, and opportunities for the 2020-2021 school year.
Spirit Wear
Today is the last day to order Patapsco Spirit Wear. All orders will be shipped to school for curbside pickup in October!