Knightly News


Dear Patapsco Families:

Happy Thanksgiving!  The Patapsco Middle School community has had a fantastic start to the year as we all navigated Virtual Learning. We have 3 R’s for our Knights: Responsible, Respectful, and Resilience. There is no doubt that our students are showing Resilience and we are proud of them!  As we celebrate Thanksgiving this week, join us in giving thanks for ... 

Our 692 students who login to school each day motivated to learn, investigate, analyze, and discuss new subjects, ideas, and concepts.  First Quarter Attendance was over 98%! Congratulations to our 500+ students who made the Honor Roll. Special Congratulations to the 244 students who earned a First Quarter GPA of 4.0!

Some of the amazing highlights are:

  • The Student Recognition initiatives: Student of the Month, Class Shout Outs, and Positive Referrals

  • Our newest clubs/co-curriculars: Origami, Best Buddies, Student Leadership, Dance, and MESA, plus more are on the way. 

  • Our Knight News Network that has continued even in Virtual. Please check out the student-led news broadcasts that are on our Patapsco Student Support Canvas Page. 

  • The Virtual Orchestra ensembles that the students and Ms. Haight has produced. Please check out the amazing music on our Patapsco Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages. 

Our 80+ colleagues who are caring, intelligent, innovative, inspiring, creative, and dedicated professionals.  Every day, they invest tremendous energy in helping our students explore new topics and providing opportunities for students to succeed in so many different ways. We are always amazed at the classroom lessons organized by our staff members.

Our 692+ families that get involved in so many ways in our school community.  We greatly appreciate our PTA and Music Boosters for all that they do for our students, staff, and families. Thank you to all the families who were able to login during American Education was great to see our partnership in action. Finally, thank you to all the families who came to Parent-Teacher conferences because we know students succeed best when we can collaborate.

If you are interested in joining our PTA as they do so much to support our students and staff, you can join by clicking here.  

While there will always be challenges and new projects to take on, we thank each and every one of you for all that you do… none of this can be possible without the contributions of so many people.  We know this Thanksgiving is going to look and feel different for us all but we hope you are able to connect with family and friends whether through Zoom, Phone Calls, or another way to celebrate being the theme of being Thankful.  When you have some time this week, take a moment to reflect on all of the positives in our lives ... we often forget with the daily issues we face and the fast paced nature of life today, but there are truly so many things to be thankful for ...  Happy Thanksgiving!

Please be safe and well! 

Mike Babe


Patapsco- a place where everyone is valued and important!