12/7: Virtual Learning Support Session, 6-7 PM
12/15: PTA Fundraiser at Chipotle, 4-8 PM
12/24 - 1/1: Schools Closed - Winter Break
1/7: Mt. Hebron Virtual Parent/Guardian Information Night, 6:30PM
Virtual Learning Support Sessions for Parents/Guardians
December 7, 2020 (Monday)
We have an exciting evening planned for our parents from our Patapsco staff Family Engagement Committee! Please join us next Monday for virtual workshops if you are interested in learning about:
Google Apps
Virtual Learning Tips & Tricks
We would love to see you there!!
Dec 7 Virtual Learning Support.pdf
Memory Books (Yearbooks from 2019-2020)
Did you miss out on last year's memory book or are you looking for an easy gift for your student that you can receive now? We still have some available for purchase and distribution. If you are interested in purchasing one, please click here Online School Payment
Want an easy dinner this month that you can order online, place a code, and pick-up? Our PTA is having a Chipotle Fundraiser - Tuesday, December 15th 4-8PM. Please make sure to enter the specific code when you order or show the flyer for our PTA to receive a portion of sales.
Chipotle Fundraiser.pdf Chipotle Fundraiser Spanish.pdf
Introducing a great new fundraiser called Givebacks! You get to save on things you can actually use - and our PTA gets up to 20% back!
Help us reach our give back goal of $1000 to raise money for PMS PTA
Here’s what you need to do:
1. Go to our eStore https://patapscomiddle.new.memberhub.store/store?category=Sponsors to shop, save, and support.
2. Our PTA automatically gets up to 20% donated back!
3. We’ll be adding new Givebacks about every week from brands you know and love, plus some new finds to discover.
This is the perfect way to jump start your holiday shopping!
It’s that Simple - CLICK - SAVE - SUPPORT
Don’t forget to share your purchases on social media! The more you share, the more funds we raise.
Heather Hogan
Membership Chair
Memberhub Admin
P.S. If YOU own a business and you're interested in doing a Givebacks to benefit our school, please let us know! We want to include your business.
Counselor Corner
Parents/Guardians of current 8th grader students - Upcoming News
December and January are busy months for our 8th grade students! In preparation for their transition to high school Ms. Lee and Ms. Kempthorn will have a lot of information to share with students and families. Please keep an eye out for the Counselor Corner in the Patapsco Knightly Newsletter and Canvas Announcements for regular updates of important dates and information.
Mark Your Calendars:
Dec. 7th - 16th
8th Grade teachers will make recommendations for course placements for 1st semester students.
2nd semester recommendations will be pre-populated based on current placement. Teachers will have an opportunity in the spring to update recommendations for 2nd semester students.
Dec. 14th and 21st at 10:50am
Homeroom / SEL time Lessons:
Introduction to High School (Dec. 14th)
High School Registration (Dec. 21st)
Dec. 18th at 11:00am
MHHS Virtual Visit Video for students
Google Meet: PMS-HSvisit
Dec. 21st 6:30-7:30pm
Counselor Drop-in Hours for High School Registration Questions
Google Meet Code: PMS-Registration (use HCPSS credentials)
Dec. 21st to Jan. 15th
Students/parents/guardians in rising 9th grades enter additional course requests, including 4 alternate classes, in HCPSS Connect (Synergy). Students and Parents/Guardians at this time can also fill out a Course Placement Review Form (CPR) if they would like to request a different course than what was recommended by the teacher.
Career Academy Virtual Information Session:
Tuesday, December 8, 2020, 7-8 p.m. — Online
Thursday, January 7, 2021, 7-8 p.m. — Online
Parents/guardians of, and students in grades 8-10 are invited to attend a virtual information session on the HCPSS Career and Technical Education Career Academies. Participants will learn how CTE Career Academies provide high school students with opportunities to earn college credit, scholarships, and industry certifications, participate in worksite and mentorship experiences, and become creative problem solvers by participating in hands-on project-based learning.
Click the link below to register for a session: https://news.hcpss.org/news-posts/2020/11/career-academies-virtual-information-sessions-december-8-2020-january-7-2021/
Mt. Hebron Virtual Parent/Guardian Information Night
Jan. 7th, 2021 at 6:30pm
This is a time where important information will be shared to ensure a smooth transition and successful experience for the Class of 2025.
A Glimpse of the Topics to be Discussed:
Graduation Requirements
Scheduling for 9th Graders
Extracurricular Opportunities
Academic Area Presentations
Parent/Guardian Groups, Resources & Supports
Meet Instructional Team Leaders
Interested in JROTC?
Applications are open now thru January 5th! JROTC is available at Atholton High School, Howard High School, and Oakland Mills High School. For more information please visit the JROTC News Page: https://news.hcpss.org/news-posts/2020/11/apply-for-jrotc-november-18-2020-january-5-2021/
Inclusive Schools Week
Patapsco is a school that values inclusion and therefore inclusive education practices year-round. Inclusive education practices involve all students receiving high quality instruction, interventions, and supports that enable them to meet success. For National Inclusive Schools Week, students and staff will come together in Homeroom/SEL on Monday at 10:50 AM to learn about inclusion and the importance of inclusion. We cannot be #OnePatapsco without each and every student in our school.
Family Support and Resource Center Newsletter
Do you have a child with an IFSP or IEP? The HCPSS Family Support and Resource Center (FSRC) offers a weekly email just for you! FSRC communications include helpful workshops, resources and community information specifically geared to supporting your journey. As a parent of a child with an IFSP/IEP, you should already be receiving the email, but if not, let us know so we can include your contact information in our database. You can also email specific questions to FSRC@hcpss.org.
Parent/Guardian Workshop Series
HCPSS and the Council of Elders have partnered to sponsor a parent workshop series for the 2020-2021 school year. The next workshop, Social Media, Human Trafficking and Peer Pressure, will be held virtually on Saturday, December 5 from 9:00-10:30 a.m.
For more information TCOE.HumanTraffickingFlier.11.20 (3)(1).pdf
Mt. Hebron’s State of the Arts
For our 8th graders who will be rising to 9th grade at Mt Hebron next year:
Mt. Hebron State of the Arts.pdf
HCC’s Kids on Campus
HCC’s well-known Kids on Campus program provides enrichment education for youth ages 8 to 17. Topics range from Art from Around the World, Roblox, Nature Explorers, World Languages, and SAT Prep. HCC Kids on Campus has something for every interest! Registration is now open for Winter and Spring courses, and several scholarships are available. For additional information, please click here and plan to attend the information session on Wednesday, December 9th at 6:30pm (https://hcpss.zoom.us/j/98975834650).
Community Notices:
Please visit the Community News and Programs page at http://www.hcpss.org/community-news-and-programs/ for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations.