I need to register my child who is new to HCPSS:
If you are new to Howard County Public Schools and you need to register your student, please follow the steps below to begin the registration process:
Complete the online registration process using the following link: https://www.hcpss.org/enroll/
The following documents are required for enrollment and must be uploaded to the online registration page or emailed to PMSRegistrars@hcpss.org prior to your registration meeting:
Parent/guardian identification
Lease or deed
Utility bill
Student evidence of birth
Proof of parental/guardian relationship
Proof of immunizations
Special Services Documents (if applicable)
Complete the Request for Records Form and email it to PMSRegistrars@hcpss.org. At this time, we will schedule a registration meeting.
Complete the New Student Questionnaire Form prior to your registration meeting.
I need to transfer my child to Patapsco from another HCPSS school:
If you have moved to the Patapsco Middle School district from another HCPSS school, please contact Student Services at your previous school to initiate the in-county transfer process. Your former HCPSS school and Patapsco will work together to transfer your student.
You will receive an email to confirm your child’s transfer. At this time, you do not need to make a registration meeting appointment if your student is transferring from another HCPSS school.
I need to transfer my child to another HCPSS school:
If your child attended Patapsco Middle School for the 2024-2025 school year and you have moved to another HCPSS school district, please send a copy of your new lease or deed, a current utility bill (if available), and the completed Change of Address form to PMSRegistrars@hcpss.org.
We will work with your child’s new school to complete the transfer process and you will receive a confirmation from the new school once the transfer process is complete.
I need to withdraw my child from HCPSS:
If you need to withdraw your student because you have moved out of Howard County, please fill out the Withdraw Request Form and email it to PMSRegistrars@hcpss.org. Students must return their HCPSS issued chromebook and charger to Patapsco.
A transfer packet will be given to your student on their last day.