2020-2021 Intramural Programs


Intramurals are incredible extracurricular opportunities to extend knowledge, exercise the mind and body, and develop social skills. Please browse the following intramural offerings and know there may be more coming especially in the second semester.  

* As part of our Three R's, we encourage interested students to take the Responsibility and contact the program sponsor themselves.* 

Please email Paul_Eyes@hcpss.org with any questions.

See below the exciting Intramurals Patapsco will be offering this school year.

Leadership Intramural

Welcome to Leadership! This intramural is designed to provide students an opportunity to explore what leadership is and develop individual student leadership skills. 

Each and every day is an opportunity for new ideas and those ideas are developed and driven by individuals who see a need and then lead the way to change. During this intramural, students will explore the importance of communication, research, teamwork, and vision as they develop their own leadership projects. We hope you can join us, 

Permission slip due 11/9


NFL Football Intramural

Do you like watching NFL football? Do you have an interest in learning about the very popular game of Fantasy Football OR already like playing Fantasy Football?

Meeting time: 3:30-4:30

Meeting dates: Thursday 11/12, 11/19, 12/3, 12/10, 12/17, 1/7, 1/14/, 1/21

Meetings location: Virtual, on a Google Meet (code will be delivered before the first day)

Group Max: 12 students

Permission slip due: 11/9


Dance Intramural

The Mount Hebron Dance Department is offering FREE dance intramurals for all middle school students at Patapsco Middle School, grades 6-8. Come to virtual dance class and learn technique and combinations in the areas of jazz, contemporary, and hip hop.

We will meet weekly on Wednesdays from 3:30-4:30 pm, starting on November 11, 2020. Our last session will be January 20th, 2021.

Meetings will be virtual.  Google Meet code will be provided prior to the first meeting.

Permission slip will be accepted until November 9th, 2020.


Origami Intramural    

Origami enhances the ability to focus and be aware of what is happening in the moment. Spend the afternoon turning a piece of paper into a 3 dimensional sculpture! By practicing origami, we can bring a sense of stillness to our minds and calmness to our bodies. In our group, we will use origami to enhance our perspective, patience, and persistence. Whether you’re new to origami or an experienced folder, let’s come together to see what we can create!

Supplies: all you need is a sheet of paper, but supplies will be provided for those that want materials

Meeting Dates: Tuesdays,

November 10 - January 19 (Nov. 24 optional)

Meeting Time:  3:15pm - 4:15pm

Meetings will be virtual.  Google Meet code will be provided prior to the first meeting.

**Permission slip will be accepted until November 9th, 2020


Best Buddies  


Join us for Best Buddies!! Best Buddies is a world-wide organization that aims at promoting friendships between all students. Our vision in Best Buddies, as an intramural, is to promote acceptance, understanding, and friendship.

The Best Buddies intramural will be held, Thursdays from 3:30-4:30pm from November through the end of January in a virtual format. Enjoy fun activities and time to make some friends.

Those interested in joining, please fill out the linked intramural permission form. Permission forms will be accepted through Friday, November 6th. Details with dates and meeting times is listed on the permission form. Space is limited but a Spring session may be held based on interest.

Best Buddies Intramural Permission Form

Email Ms. Stubleski or Ms. Whelan with any questions you may have.

