12/23 - 1/1/20 Winter Break
1/2/2020 Welcome Back - Schools Resume
1/7/2020 Music Booster’s meeting, 7PM
1/8/2020 PTA General Membership Meeting, 7PM
1/9/2020 Rising 9th Parent Orientation at MHHS, 6:00 - 7:30 PM
1/13/2020 Orchestra Winter Concert at MHHS, 7PM
1/15/2020 Rising 5th and New Student/New Parent Orientation, 6:30 - 7:30 PM at Patapsco (snowdate 1/22)
Happy Holidays!
Dear Patapsco families:
As we approach winter break and the holiday season, I am reminded of how fortunate we are to be part of our Patapsco Middle School commUNITY. We have amazing students, staff, families, and community members. Our school is a home away from home for me personally, and I want to thank you for sending us your best each and every day!
The past two weeks have been full of our #OnePatapsco spirit with the wonderful band and chorus concerts, as well as the enjoyable music each morning in our lobby from our students and staff. All students participated in Hour of Code last week and all students were able to participate in our first Club Day...it was a huge success!! We are so glad our students were able to build community together. In addition, our students had the pleasure to hear from one of the world’s greatest Christylez Bacon for our assembly this morning. It was a true inspiration to hear his story and see his talent with his instrument: the human beatbox. Please take a look on social media for some highlights.
I want to say a huge thank you to our parents and PTA for providing the delicious desserts on Tuesday. They were a fantastic way to start the week!
Since we are almost at the midpoint of the school year, we will host Town Hall meetings for all grades on Wednesday, January 8th. This Town Hall meeting will be a reminder of the expectations, rules, and policies that we have at Patapsco, along with community building and to remind students to finish the year strong.
We encourage you to have a conversation with your student about finishing the year strong, too. We want all of our students to be academically successful and to continue to grow as positive young-people. We have our 3 R’s, which are Resilient, Responsible, and Respectful. They fit perfectly, as we want all our students to be Noble Knights inside and outside of the classroom. This is a perfect time for students to think of a New Year’s resolution for 2020.
I want you all to have a wonderful and restful winter break. I will miss our students and I look forward to seeing them on Thursday, January 2nd.
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
Mike Babe
Patapsco- a place where everyone is valued and important!
Looking Ahead to Next Year: Family Orientations in January
School orientations are an excellent way to get to know staff and become familiar with your child's new school, learn about school programs, and hear about ways students and families can get involved.
Beyond the orientations in January, there will be additional opportunities throughout the spring for staff to welcome you and your child, gain familiarity and comfort with staff, and build community. We will continue to share those opportunities with you as plans are finalized. You can also visit school websites to find out about upcoming events that you could attend such as curricular nights, plays, and concerts.
Please review the orientation dates and times below. If you are unsure of the school your child is scheduled to attend, please visit School Locator and follow the instructions to find your child's school or visit HCPSS Connect. If you have questions, please call our front office.
Rising 5th Graders and New Student and Family Orientation Date at Patapsco Middle
We look forward to seeing the families of our rising 6th grade students at 6:30pm on Wednesday, January 15th for our Rising 6th Grade Parent and New Parent Orientation: On this night we welcome our rising 6th grade parents to the building, to learn about the transition to middle school (Snow Date- January 22nd).
New families to Burleigh Manor Middle
We are so excited to meet current 5th-grade families, as well as any families new to Burleigh Manor Middle, at our Family Orientation Night on January 14th, 2020! We'll be sharing important information about Burleigh Manor, and answering any questions you may have about our school and programs, from 6 pm to 8 pm. Stay tuned for more details on the agenda for the evening. Please note our snow date- January 21st.
New families to Dunloggin Middle School
The Dunloggin Middle School's New Student Parent Orientation for 2020-2021 will be held on Thursday, January 16th at 6PM. The GT Parent Orientation will immediately follow. The snow date for both programs will be Thursday, January 23rd.
To Incoming Mt. Hebron Parents & Guardians (Rising 9th graders)
You are invited to Orientation Night on Jan. 9th, 2020 at 6pm.
This is a time where important information will be shared to ensure a smooth transition and successful experience for the Class of 2024. A Glimpse of the Topics to be Discussed:
-Graduation Requirements
-Scheduling for 9th Graders
-Extracurricular Opportunities
-Academic Area Presentations
-Parent Groups, Resources & Supports
-Meet Instructional Team Leaders
Hour Of Code
Every Patapsco student participated in Hour of Code last week. Each student had the opportunity to be introduced to computer coding. The goal of our Hour of Code activity is to give students a fun, first introduction to computer science. Families and students can continue to learn with engaging activities from Hour of Code. Visit https://hourofcode.com/us/learn for much more!
Spelling Bee
Our school-wide spelling bee will broadcast live on our Patapsco Knight in-house channel 25 during an extended homeroom on Friday, January 3rd. We will follow a 1 hour delay/extended homeroom schedule. The students will battle it out! If the spelling bee takes more than one hour we will hold the bells and adjust the schedule equitably by taking an equal amount of time from all periods.
This past November, students qualified for our school-wide bee by winning a classroom spelling bee during ELA class. These classroom spelling champions will report to Homeroom on January 3rd and then immediately proceed to the library media center to check in for the school-wide Bee. Students will stay in the library media center until they misspell a word. After misspelling they will return to homeroom.
Our school champion will move on to participate in the Howard County Spelling Bee on
March 21st at Oakland Mills High School. The winner of the Howard County Spelling Bee receives a $1,000.00 scholarship and the opportunity to go to the National Spelling Bee in Washington, DC which runs from Sunday, May 25, through Friday evening, May 28, 2020.
Students participating in our school-wide Spelling Bee include the following:
Tami A
Nneka E
Amelia K
Riya R
Sheldon T
Shyam B
Antony F
Alex K
Rishi R
Madelynn V
Benjamin B
Joel G
Joseph L
Ahmad R
Trinetra V
Abhi C
Jayne H
Ryan L
Jack R
Allison Y
Collier H
Margot H
Jacob L
Gregory S
Devireddy N
John J
Anjali M
Bridget S
Peter K
Monica M
Aditi S
Yearbooks are available for purchase now through jostensyearbooks.com. They are on sale now through April. If you like to pay by cash or check, please contact Ms. Salsman kalina_salsman@hcpss.org at Patapsco Middle School or click here for an order form.[[{"fid":"408","view_mode":"default","fields":{"format":"default"},"type":"media","attributes":{"class":"file media-element file-default"}}]]
As we move into the new year we have a lot on the horizon. Below you will find information regarding important dates to come!
In your spare time, review the Middle School Course Catalog. We will be going over classes for 6th graders and will be happy to answer any questions. Go Knights!
Parents and Guardians of current 8th grade students!!!
December and January are exciting months for our 8th grade students! Earlier this month Ms. Lee and Ms. Kempthorn met with students during their Social Studies class to discuss the Top 10 Things to Know About High School. Students were given information about high school graduation requirements and most importantly, registration information for high school courses!
This year, students and families will complete the registration process online through Synergy.
Beginning January 8, 8th grade students will have access to their 9th grade course recommendations through Synergy. Then, on Thursday January 9 and Friday January 10, Ms Lee and Ms Kempthorn will meet with students, during their Social Studies class, to help them complete the online registration process.
Please review the dates below to stay on track with the high school registration process. If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to reach out to Student Services staff for assistance:
- Ms. Kendra Lee, counselor (A-L) (kendra_lee@hcpss.org)
- Ms. Morgan Kempthorn, counselor (M-Z) (morgan_kempthorn@hcpss.org)
- Ms. Jamie Kim, International Student Liaison (jamie_kim@hcpss.org)
- Mrs. Michelle Whelan, Special Education Team Leader (michelle_castillo@hcpss.org)
- Ms. Catherine Chapman, PPW (catherine_chapman@hcpss.org)
Upcoming Important Dates and Registration Information:
December 20: Teacher recommendations due
January 9: MHHS Parent Info Night, 6:00-7:30 PM
January 10 and 11th: 9th grade course recommendations reviewed / Students complete online registration
January 18: Students and Parents enter additional course requests, including alternates, in Synergy. Students and Parents at this time can also complete a Course Placement Review Form (CPR).
Helpful Documents to review:
Hard copies will be distributed and discussed during January 10, 11th lesson.
2020-2021 High School Course Catalogue
Navigating Through High School
9th grade Course Options for 2020-21 [[{"fid":"411","view_mode":"default","fields":{"format":"default"},"type":"media","attributes":{"class":"file media-element file-default"}}]]
“What the new year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the new year.”
Vern McLellan
Happy New Year from Student Services!
Ms. Kempthorn & Ms. Lee
Mt. Hebron High School Performing Arts Department
Course Placement Audition Information
- Incoming 9th graders- Submit a video audition to kcarlsen@hcpss.org by January 24th.
- Information available online atwww.MtHebronTheatre.org.
- Questions- contact Kathryn Carlsen atkcarlsen@hcpss.org
- All students (incoming 9th graders and rising 10-12) audition on February 3rd and 5th from 2:15-5:00pm in the auditorium.
- Questions- contact Jen DiPietro atjdipietro@hcpss.org
- All incoming 9th graders audition on February 5 from 4:00-9:00pm in the band room.
- Information available online atwww.MtHebronMusic.org.
- Questions- contact Joe Fischer atjoe_fischer@hcpss.org
- All incoming 9th graders audition during their school day at their middle school the week of January 21st.
- Questions- contact David Shumway at david_shumway@hcpss.org
- Audition information will be coming soon.
- Questions- contact Kathryn Carlsen at kcarlsen@hcpss.org.
From the Health Room:
Hearing and Vision will be held on Monday January 13th for all 8th graders and anyone new to the State of Maryland. If your student wears glasses please remind them to wear them that day.Please do not send your child to school if they have a fever. Students must be fever free for 24 hours without medication before they can return to school.
If your child is absent due to a contagious illness such as the flu, strep throat, pink eye, upper respiratory infection, or GI illness please notify the health room at 410-313-2574 or Megan_Blouse@hcpss.org
The Music Boosters is excited to announce the Sponsor A Chair Fundraiser to purchase Wenger student chairs for the music classrooms. We need to raise $15,000 to outfit the entire department. Thanks to earlier generous donations, the Music Boosters is able to kick-off the fundraiser with $2,000. To help raise the remaining $13,000, families can sponsor a chair. You can sponsor a full chair for $50 and half a chair for $25.All donations are tax deductible and a receipt will be provided. If you choose to contribute, your name will be added to a plaque that will be hung in the D hallway at the end of the fundraiser. Additional information including the sponsor form is available on the Music Boosters website - http://patapscomusicboosters.weebly.com/ This fundraiser is in addition to the regular fundraising efforts, the Giving Club and donations at the concerts, which address the on-going needs of the music program. Thank you for your support of the Music Boosters and of Patapsco's music program!
Concert Closet: The Boosters are currently collecting gently worn concert attire: long-sleeved, button-down, white oxford shirts, black dress pants, black skirts, black belts, and black dress shoes. We are especially in need of girls’ black skirts, black dress pants, and black dress shoes. Last year we helped students by giving out over 40 pieces of FREE concert attire that they can keep until they outgrow. Please send your donation to school in a bag labeled "Concert Closet." Thanks for your donations!
Auditions for The Music Man see flyer[[{"fid":"407","view_mode":"default","fields":{"format":"default"},"type":"media","attributes":{"class":"file media-element file-default"}}]]
Shop at Amazon Smile for Patapsco Middle School PTA
Did you know that the Patapsco Middle School PTA has its own Amazon Smile page? A percentage of all purchases will be donated to our PTA . Just use the link below.
Help us Bring Heart & Sole Back to Patapsco Middle!
Girls on the Run®’s middle school program, Heart & Sole®, creates a positive, structured space for girls in 6th-8th grade to develop life skills using a running-based curriculum. We would love to bring this program back to Patapsco Middle School, but we need two adult volunteer coaches who can deliver our program and serve as mentors for girls on the team! The Spring season will run from mid-March through the first week of June. Coaches can be men or women over age 18 and do NOT need to be runners or have previous coaching experience. Free training is provided. Please email Susan Michel (susan.michel@girlsontherun.org) if you’re interested or have questions. Potential coaches should also complete the Girls on the Run online coach application at https://www.raceplanner.com/volunteer/index/sp-20-coach-app.
Community News
For more Community News visit the Community News and Programs page http://www.hcpss.org/community-news-and-programs/ on the HCPSS website for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations.