Knightly News 2-7-2020


2/7/2020    Winterfest Fun Knight, 7-9 PM

2/11/2020    Music Boosters Meeting, 7 PM

2/12/2020    School Store

2/12/2020    Student of the Month Celebration

2/17/2020    Schools and Offices Closed- Presidents’ Day

2/18-2/21     Spirit Week

2/26/2020    Club Day Schedule

2/28/2020    Honor Roll celebration

Dear Patapsco families: 

Are you enjoying all of the “Maryland Weather this year? Let’s see if the groundhog is correct this year with an early Spring. Even though it has been warmer the past few weeks, we want to remind our students and families about being prepared to dress appropriately for the cold temperatures. 

As a reminder, we encourage students to go outside during recess as it is healthy to get exercise and important for our students to have a break during their academic day. We want our students to be able to enjoy recess even on the colder days.  In accordance with HCPSS guidelines, children will go outside unless there is precipitation or the outside temperature combined with the wind chill drops below 20 degrees. Students are encouraged to bring their jacket to lunch from their locker if they choose to go outside for recess.

Finally, we hope you were able to see the post on facebook, instagram, or twitter that this week was National School Counseling Appreciation Week. We would like to take this time to recognize Ms. Morgan Kempthorn and Ms. Kendra Lee for all that they do to support our students. We are lucky that they are part of our #OnePatapsco community. 

Mike Babe


Patapsco- a place where everyone is valued and important! 

Welcome Visitors 


In order to ensure the safety of all students and staff, all visitors must press the buzzer located on either set of main doors to gain entry to our building. Please listen and look at the camera when we greet you. You will need to provide us with your name and the reason for your visit.  We will buzz you in and direct you to report to the main office where you must sign in with the LobbyGuard. As a reminder, please remember to bring a valid form of identification (e.g. Drivers License)

It's also a good idea to double check your Emergency Procedure information to ensure the list of individuals authorized to pick up your student during the school day is up to date.

Early Dismissal Procedure

Parent(s)/Guardian(s) please be prepared to provide picture identification when signing students out from school. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) please do not exit the building without your student. 

The last unscheduled Early Dismissal time is 2:30pm on full days and 11:30am on 3-hour early dismissal days. If you arrive after these times, parent(s)/guardian(s) will be asked to wait for your student in your vehicle in the car loop for our dismissal. We thank you for your understanding.

G/T Advisory Seeks Nominations for Educator Recognition, Due February 14, 2020

The annual HCPSS Educator Recognition Program sponsored by the Gifted and Talented Advisory Committee (GTAC) celebrates educators who demonstrate exemplary commitment to the needs of advanced-level learners and/or the Howard County G/T Education Program.

Now through February 14, families and students have the opportunity to recognize a G/T Resource Teacher, content or classroom teacher, or administrator who has enriched the educational experience of advanced-level learners. ALL educators for whom submissions are received will be recognized at the annual Educator Recognition Event to be held March 31 at 7 p.m. at Howard High School. All families and students who recognized an educator are invited to attend.

Submissions will be accepted via an online form, which includes a minimum 150-word description of the educator’s contribution to the education of advanced-level learners. Information and submission instructions are available online.

Contact with any questions.

Journey 2020 for Middle School Girls

Journey 2020 for Howard County Middle School Girls (rising 7th, 8th & 9th grade students) will be held July 12-July 18, 2020 at Washington College!  Applications are due May 15, 2020; Journey applications and scholarship application can be found at  Financial assistance is made available by the Women's Giving Circle of Howard County

Contact information for Maryland Leadership Workshops:  301-444-8623;;

A week at Journey includes: 

  • workshops on topics such as empowerment and motivation, decision making, communication, self-awareness, goal setting, group dynamics, and conflict resolution
  • group projects that challenge girls to apply new skills and exceed their own expectations
  • team-building activities that strengthen interpersonal skills and build lasting memories
  • one-on-one mentoring with members of a dedicated and highly trained staff.

Spirit Week is coming soon!

February 18-21 

Monday - No School - Presidents’ Day

Tuesday- Sports Day...wear your favorite sports gear or from your favorite team

Wednesday- Wacky Tacky (Crazy hat, hair, socks)

Thursday- Patapsco 50th Anniversary Class Color Day

  •  6th grade: Gray/Silver or Patapsco Gear
  •  7th grade: White or Patapsco Gear
  •  8th grade: Blue or Patapsco Gear
  •  Staff: Patapsco Gear

Friday- PJ Day


Mental Health

The Patapsco Middle School PTA is proud to partner with The Horizon Foundation on mental health and build a community of Emotional Support Humans in Howard County.  Learn more about the initiative here:

Girls on the Run

Help us Bring Heart & Sole Back to Patapsco Middle! Girls on the Run®’s middle school program, Heart & Sole®, creates a positive, structured space for girls in 6th-8th grade to develop life skills using a running-based curriculum. We would love to bring this program back to Patapsco Middle School, but we need two adult volunteer coaches who can deliver our program and serve as mentors for girls on the team! The Spring season will run from mid-March through the first week of June. Coaches can be men or women over age 18 and do NOT need to be runners or have previous coaching experience. Free training is provided. Please email Susan Michel ( if you’re interested or have questions. Potential coaches should also complete the Girls on the Run online coach application at   

Counselor Corner

UPDATE Parent and Guardians of current 6th and 7th grade students

Performing Arts

Students currently enrolled in band, orchestra, or chorus in Grade 6 and Grade 7 will be recommended for placement into performing arts for the school year 2020-2021. If the student no longer wishes to take a performing art course, would like to change the performing art selection, or add a performing art if they do not already have one then the parent/guardian should complete a course placement review (CPR) form. Course recommendations for current 6th and 7th grade students will be emailed to families February 13th, at which time families can fill out a CPR form requesting changes to a student’s recommended course list, including recommendations for performing arts.  

World Language Information for Rising 7th Graders

Current Grade 6 students have the option of taking French or Spanish in Grade 7. The World Language program is a two-year program that prepares students to take French II or Spanish II in Grade 9. Students will receive high school credit after successfully completing both years of the middle school World Language course. 

***Monday, February 3rd- World Language Letters were sent home through English/Language Arts classes and due back next week to the English/Language Arts teachers. 

Summer Student Leadership and Volunteer Opportunities 

HCASC meeting 2/12   7:00 - 8:30 PM

HCASC serves as a way for students to gain the skills they need to work alongside parents, teachers, and administrators to shape their school communities. HCASC (The Howard County Association of Student Councils) welcomes ALL students to our meetings those involved in Student Council and those interested in learning how to share their student voice to strengthen their school communities through extra curricular clubs, sports, and the arts.

HCASC Welcomes All Middle and High School Students to attend HCASC Meetings the second Wednesday evening of each month at the Homewood School 10914 Clarksville Pike Ellicott City, MD 21042

 Middle and High School students who attend will-

-Work with student leaders from across HCPSS

-Meet with the Student Member of the Board of Education

-Gain Leadership Skills

-Turn ideas into actions

-Learn about Leadership and Community Service opportunities

-Practice civic engagement and serve as an informed citizens

Next Meeting Wednesday 2/12 7:00pm-8:30pm at the Homewood School 

For more information please contact

News from the Health Room

February is National Children's Dental Health Month!!  Howard Community College is sponsoring free exams and cleanings on Monday, February 17, 2020.

Please see attached flier for more details.Dental Hygiene pediatric Day flyer February 2020.pdf

Health Room Needs Your Help!

Cell Phone Policy as it relates to Sick Students

Students who become ill while at school must come to the health room to be evaluated.  Please discuss with your child that he/she should not use his/her cell phone to call/text parents for pick-up during the school day.  Students who feel ill should report directly to the health room and parents will be contacted, as needed, once students are seen by our nurse.  

If your child calls/texts you during the school day, please tell him/her to go to the health room and the staff will contact you directly. Thank you so much for your attention to this matter and for working with us to keep your child healthy and safe.

If you have any questions, please contact Megan Blouse, Health Room Nurse at 410-313-2574.

Reminder: That good hand hygiene and covering sneezes and coughs with tissues are essential steps to preventing the spread of "germs." Also, remember that despite concerns about school attendance, your child's health (and the health of other children) is essential. For this reason, we ask you to please:

  • Call the health room to let us know if your child is absent due to contagious illnesses, such as strep throat, flu, or pink eye etc. Please provide any documentation from your physician about diagnosis and release to return to school.
  • Keep your child at home if he/she has a fever of over 100. Students must be fever-free for 24 hours without medications before they can return to school.


Does your child enjoy music?  Were they previously in elementary orchestra and miss playing with a group?  Have they never signed up to play in the past, but wish they had?  If you answered "yes" to any of those questions, then your child should sign up for ORCHESTRA next school year!  Sign-up is taking place NOW.  Students will need to visit Mrs. Haight in room D-10 to put their name and grade level on the sign-up sheet and to learn some tips on how to get started.  We are looking for focused students who love music to sign up for next year's group.  We hope you'll consider joining us!  Don't forget-- see Mrs. Haight in D-10 to sign up for next year's ORCHESTRA.  Questions about ORCHESTRA?  Please e-mail Mrs. Haight at

Community News

For more Community News visit the Community News and Programs page on the HCPSS website for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations.