Dear Patapsco families:
It was a great first week back with our students during the “check-in” sessions during our first week of distance learning! It was amazing to “see” so many students again and to see their excitement to be with one another and with their teachers.
We look forward to another fantastic week with our “Continuity of Learning” and I want to remind everyone that it is a “B week” where students will now attend their B- Related Arts classes. I want to share this typical schedule with you again in case you need it for this week. Here is also the downloadable template that students can use to keep track of their classes and assignments.
If you need to contact a teacher, please utilize their email as the best method to contact them. All email addresses are posted on our website.
As we continue on with our Continuity of Learning, I thank you for your patience, grace, and understanding as we work collaboratively to make this the best experience for our students.
Be well and take care,
Mike Babe
Patapsco- a place where everyone is valued and important!
School Psychologist Virtual Office Hours
I hope this email finds you safe and healthy! Beginning this week, I will be holding office hours on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 2-3pm. During this time I will have appointments available to meet virtually with families to answer questions or address other concerns about your child. Meetings will take place via Google Meet or over the phone.
If you are interested in setting up an appointment, please email directly at I look forward to hearing from you!
Dr. Goldthrite, School Psychologist
Patapsco Middle School (M, W, Th, F); Ilchester Elementary School (T)
Virtual Office Hours: 2-3 pm daily
Canvas Resources for Parents and Guardians
We have provided information for parents and guardians on our website who may want tutorials around Canvas.
Memory Books
Due to the current school closure, Jostens has extended the deadline for online yearbook ordering through June 1. Orders can be submitted through The books will be shipped to the school and distributed when we return to the building. In the event we do not return this school year, we will notify purchasers of when the books will be available for pick-up once schools re-open.
Because of the school closure, this May Jostens is introducing a digital yearbook signing platform that provides students with a fun and interactive experience that results in an email-to-print keepsake. This experience will allow students to have a virtual signing experience this year. This experience will be secure and customizable, and all digital signature pages will be emailed to students as a PDF to be printed and saved in their own book, forever. Please contact with any questions.
HCPSS Resources and Information
New Continuity of Learning Website and Help Function: The HCPSS website has been a mainstay of the system's continuity of learning program, with over 1.5 million total page views and 15,000-30,000 average daily visitors between March 12 and today. The Continuity of Learning website has been restructured to give you an even more user-friendly and easily navigated resource, providing information essential for ensuring students continue to learn and thrive. The new site features pages with schedules and information dedicated to students at each level. All of our previous content remains online and can be accessed via the new Continuity of Learning site.
The new HCPSS Help site, which is grouped by subject to allow quicker and easier navigation, and includes a convenient new keyword search function. This new Help site will make it easier for parents, students, staff and community members to quickly find answers to their most frequently-asked questions.
Attendance: Regular and active student participation is the key to student achievement and growth, both in the traditional classroom setting and during distance learning. Students are expected to engage in Continuity of Learning lessons and activities every week. Beginning Monday, April 27, 2020, teachers will document student attendance using a point system based on student participation in learning activities each week. Students earning the required minimum number of points will be marked "present" for the week; those earning fewer points will be marked "absent."Specific indicators that will be used for each level are provided online.
School Calendar Revisions: The Board has approved changes to the 2019-2020 school system calendar. HCPSS is now scheduled to be open on both Tuesday, April 28 and Tuesday, June 2, 2020, as the elections on these days will take place almost entirely by mail and schools will not be used as polling places.
Virtual Classroom Expectations for Students and Parents/Guardians: Students are now engaging in virtual class check-in sessions on Google Meet. To ensure a positive, productive and enjoyable learning experience for all participants, it is important that all students and parents/guardians adhere to these Google Meet Expectations, which include online behaviors for students and privacy guidelines for parents.
Community News
For more Community News visit the Community News and Programs page on the HCPSS website for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations.