9/7 Schools and offices closed - Labor Day
9/8 First day of school for students
9/16 PTA general assembly meeting (outside) 5:30 PM
9/17 Back to School kNight (Virtual) 6:00 PM
9/28 Schools and offices closed - Yom Kippur
Dear Patapsco Middle School Community,
I write to you in excitement for the first day of school next Tuesday. Even though we are virtual, the excitement of welcoming students back to instruction stays the same. We have missed seeing our students and we cannot wait to come back together as #OnePatapsco.
It was a pleasure to see so many new students and families at our New Student and Family Orientation yesterday. It was also nice to see so many returning students at our Welcome Back sessions as well. If you were not able to join us or if you would like to review the PowerPoint, they are available on our website.
I also want to lift up the dedication of our staff. They have been working hard the past two weeks to prepare for this school year. They are committed to our students and they are looking forward to seeing their students next week!
Thank you to all of our families who were able to join us for student item distribution. If your student has ART for quarter 1 or 2 and you were unable to pick-up the supplies, please email Sandra_Nedzel@hcpss.org to arrange a pick-up next week Tuesday-Thursday between 8 AM and 2:30 PM. For chromebook distribution, we are waiting for the next shipment and they are not available yet due to vendor delays.
Families, please read the entire newsletter as it contains information that is important for the start of the school year.
I wish you and your family a restful and safe weekend. Thank you for being part of our #OnePatapsco community.
Take care and be well,
Mike Babe, Principal
FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL: Tuesday, September 8, 2020
Here is a downloadable template that has the entire week schedule. Feel free to use and write class information and Google Meet Codes on it.
School begins at 8:30 AM for all students on Tuesday, September 8.
*Students will meet with 2nd Period Teacher for Synchronous Support from 8:30 AM to 8:50 AM
Follow Schedule:
Period 1: 9:00 to 9:45 AM
Period 2: 10:00 to 10:45 AM
Lunch and Asynchronous work: 10:45 AM - 1:10 PM
Period 3: 1:10 to 1:55 PM
Period 4: 2:10 to 2:55 PM
Period 4 2:55 to 3:15 PM Additional Support Time
*We will use the period 2 synchronous support as an opportunity to build community by welcoming our students, doing a check-in, highlighting the thoughtful and engaging work slated for the school year, etc.
All google meet IDs/codes will be posted on Canvas for students. The formula for each google meet code is using the teacher name such as: PMS-firstinitialLASTNAME-PD# for example, PMS-mbabe-PD2
Directions to join a Google Meet
We know that students are sometimes lost or confused on the first day of school. We have set up this google meet ID for students to log-on if they do not know where to go. We will have front office staff available to support our students. This will be available on Tuesday from 8:20 AM to 9:30 AM.
Meeting ID
Phone Numbers
(US)+1 315-925-6486
PIN: 235 837 890#
CHROMEBOOKS will be available for ALL
Any student who did not receive an HCPSS issued Chromebook last school year will be able to have a Chromebook issued for use from home for this school year. The intent is that all students have available the use of an HCPSS Chromebook for virtual instruction. Here are the benefits of using a school provided/HCPSS device.
Due to vendor delays, HCPSS does not have enough devices to provide all middle and high school students with a Chromebook, at this time, Chromebook requests will be prioritized based on students’ access to personal devices meeting the minimum requirements. Additional devices are being procured. Once they arrive, there will be additional opportunities for all families to borrow a Chromebook.
After receiving an HCPSS Chromebook, families can use the directions for connecting a Chromebook to Wi-Fi to connect it to their home network. Additionally, students who have forgotten their username or password can use the Account Self Service directions to retrieve their account credentials. If your student has questions on how to use the technology to access instruction or is having technical issues, please reach out to one of your child’s teachers and/or Library Media Specialist.
Scheduling Information for Students and Parents
As we know the 4 x 4 schedule is new to many of our families, we want to share some information to help you as you review them.
Core Classes - Each student has 2 core classes per semester such as: Math, English, Social Studies, and Science. They will take the other two core classes in the opposite semester.
Semester Courses - All core classes (Math, ELA, Science and Social Studies), as well as Performing Arts, World Language, Academic seminar, Reading Seminar, Interventions and GT Research are offered for a semester. For example if a student has Spanish Semester 1 Period 1 the course runs from September 8 - January 28th (and the student will have a different course for Semester 2 Period 1).
Quarter Courses - Related Arts classes and Reading Modules are quarterly courses (45 day or one marking period) - this includes Art, Music, Family and Consumer Science, Technology Education, Health and PE, Readers Cafe, Writers Cafe, Boost the Brain, Expanding and Exploring Careers and Digital Citizenship).
Canvas - Live on Saturday, September 5.
You will be able to see teacher homepages for each class AND access Google Meeting Codes needed for the first day of school. Remember you need your HCPSS credentials to access Canvas and the Google Meet classes. If you forgot your username or password, please access information here.
Do you need assistance? We are here to support you…
While virtual learning continues this fall, email is the best way to communicate with our staff members and assist you with all of your questions. At this time, our staff may not always be available to answer our school building phone. All staff emails are provided on our website. Please reach out to the staff members below via email with your specific questions:
Michael Babe, michael_babe@hcpss.org
Assistant Principal
Andrea Harmon, andrea_harmon@hcpss.org
General School Information/ Questions:
Sherry Brengle, Principal’s Secretary, Sherry_Brengle@hcpss.org
Family File Emergency Forms or Canvas:
Jennifer Douglass, Data Clerk, Jennifer_Douglass@hcpss.org
Attendance, Student Registration and Withdraw, or Student Records:
Lindsey Miles, Registrar/ Student Services Secretary, Lindsey_Miles@hcpss.org
Student Absences:
Please email all student attendance notes to pmsabsence@hcpss.org to ensure that your student's lawful absence is marked as excused and they will have the opportunity to make up work. In your email, please include your child's name and grade. Please remember that you have up to 5 days after your child's return to school to submit an absence note. When emailing a note, you will receive an automated message to verify that your email was received. Please do not send attendance notes to your child's teachers. If you have any questions about your child's attendance, please email pmsabsence@hcpss.org.
School Website or School Messenger:
Sandy Nedzel, Teacher’s Secretary, Sandra_Nedzel@hcpss.org
General School Questions and Assistance in Spanish (Asistencia en Español):
Ashley Anderson, Teacher’s Secretary, Ashley_Anderson@hcpss.org
Health Records/Immunizations:
Megan Blouse, school nurse, megan_blouse@hcpss.org
Chromebook Questions:
Brandy Murach, Media Assistant, brandy_murach@hcpss.org
Media Assistance, Canvas, and Chromebooks:
Suzanne McNabb, Media Specialist, suzanne_mcnabb@hcpss.org
Student Services
Kendra Lee, counselor (A-L) kendra_lee@hcpss.org
Morgan Kempthorn, counselor (M-Z) morgan_kempthorn@hcpss.org
Jamie Kim, International Liaison Jamie_Kim@hcpss.org
Catherine Chapman, PPW catherine_chapman@hcpss.org
Michelle Whelan, Special Education ITL michelle_castillo@hcpss.org
Fall Meal Service Update
The food services program during the first semester of the 2020-2021 school year will consist of free Grab-and-Go meals served Monday through Friday from 8–9 a.m. and 10:45 a.m.–12:45 p.m., beginning Tuesday, September 8. Breakfast and lunch can be picked up at either meal time. Meals will be provided free of charge for all students, subject to USDA funding availability. Detailed information about meals for the 2020-21 school year are provided online. Patapsco Middle is a food site and students may access Grab-and-Go meals at Patapsco.
Video Instruction Update
Students' active participation in synchronous (live) instruction sessions is critically important to effective learning. HCPSS does not allow video recordings of live instruction, because recorded sessions could hinder students' active class participation, violate privacy rights and accessibility requirements, and other factors. Find more information online.
Virtual Instruction Responsibilities, Expectations and Best Practices
A successful virtual instruction program for the 2020-2021 school year requires collaboration and shared responsibilities among students, educators and families.
Google Meet Expectations for Students and Parents/Guardians
To ensure a positive, productive and enjoyable learning experience for all participants, it is important that all students and parents/guardians adhere to these Google Meet Expectations, which include online behaviors for students and privacy guidelines for parents.
PTA News
Become a PTA member today!
Purchase this year’s PTA memberships in our new online store -- https://patapscomiddle.new.memberhub.store/store
We’ve added new PTA membership levels and family memberships this year to give you more flexibility as well as additional donation options. Your donation helps us reduce fundraisers and increases the quality of our events throughout the year! Remember, PTA memberships are ANNUAL – so you do need to sign up every year! As always, your donation directly benefits our teachers, staff, and students. Please follow us on Facebook to view and all the ways your donation will support our school.
Being a PTA member means that you are part of an association that focuses on programs and initiatives that strengthen your child's education and the family-school partnership. Your dollars directly support your child, your teachers and the PTA builds a stronger, more diverse, and inclusive school community. There's no wrong way to PTA. We invite every family to participate.
Patapsco Middle School PTA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (EIN 23-7077082). All donations are 100% tax-deductible. Your store receipt will be your donation receipt and membership card if you select a PTA membership.
Thank you to all families you have already signed up for a membership and/or made an additional donation. Our PMS community rocks!
Join us at our first meeting in the school parking lot on Wednesday, September 16th at 5:30pm!
Spirit Wear
The Patapsco Spirit Wear Store is now open! You can order now through September 15th. All orders will be shipped to school for curbside pickup in October!
Beth Schaeffer
Patapsco Middle School PTA President 2019-2021
Former SJLES Families: Additional Student Materials Collection & Distribution - Wed 9/9 @ 3:00-6:00
St. John's Lane Elementary will host an additional Collection & Distribution event on Wednesday 9/9 from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm at SJLES. Families can choose to stop by anytime during this three hour window. Former students can collect their personal items that were left behind last school year, class pictures, and yearbooks. You can also return borrowed items such as SJLES media books, instruments, safety belts, and teacher classroom library books. Our rain date for this event is Thursday 9/10 from 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm. For additional information please visit our SJLES website at https://sjles.hcpss.org/