Knightly Newsletter



10/7: MAP Testing (Reading) 9 AM - 11 AM

10.14: MAP Testing (Math) 9 AM - 11 AM

10/14: Internet Safety Presentation hosted by Patapsco PTA, 7:00 PM

10/16: Schools close 3 hours early. No half-day Pre-K/RECC

11/3: Schools and offices closed - Election Day (State-mandated holiday)

11/6: Schools close 3 hours early. Professional Workday

11/16-20: American Education Week


Synchronous Support Periods

We want to highlight the daily Synchronous Support Sessions that are intentionally built into your child’s schedule each week. The time is intended to provide direct access to your child’s teacher(s) for any questions or supports your child may need. These supports can include content, assignments, re-teaching or clarification. Every student has two optional support sessions per class, per week.  We highly recommend that you encourage your child to attend those sessions to receive additional support, ask questions, check for understanding etc.   

MAP (Measured Academic Progress Assessment) 

On Wednesday, October 7th from 9 AM-11 AM, the MAP Reading assessment will be administered (students enrolled in 8th Grade GT ELA are exempt from the MAP Reading assessment)

The MAP Math assessment will be administered on Wednesday, October 14th from 9 AM-11 AM (students taking Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, or Statistics are exempt from the MAP Math assessment)

If your student is unable to attend the designated times, makeup testing will be offered during asynchronous learning times. 

Homeroom teachers will share Google Meet and other information about testing. Please, encourage your child to check Canvas for those messages from their homeroom teachers as we get closer to the October 7th date.

In order to prepare for the MAP test, please have your child complete a device check to ensure there are no technology issues on the day of testing. Please see below for more information to complete this task:

The data from Measured Academic Progress (MAP) assessment will help schools and teachers measure where your child is starting the year academically. The HCPSS intends to also give the assessment in winter and spring to measure how your child’s learning is progressing throughout the year. The MAP test does not affect grades and the difficulty adjusts depending on how your child responds. It is normal for students to only answer about half the questions correctly.  To learn more about the MAP assessment, please visit the NWEA Website at

Feel free to contact Mrs. Harmon at if you have any questions regarding MAP.

National Custodian Appreciation Day

Happy National Custodian Appreciation Day!!! Our custodians are the true heroes of our school. 

Mr. Loyola, Ms. Powell, Mr. Adu and Mr. Parton make Patapsco a better place for our students and for our staff. They put so much time and energy into creating a safe and clean environment. No matter what task or job they are doing…they always smile and have such a positive outlook.

Patapsco would not be the same without them! Join me in recognizing our custodial staff and thanking them!

National Bullying Prevention Month

Every October, schools across the country join the nationwide campaign, STOMP Out Bullying™ in observing National Bullying Prevention Month. 

Our goal, even in the virtual setting, is to come together, as #OnePatapsco, to stop bullying and cyberbullying. By increasing awareness of the prevalence and impact of bullying and by empowering our students we can put an end to bullying and cyberbullying. 

We are so proud of those in our Patapsco Community who support our work to Make Bullying History. Please join us in wearing blue to STOMP out bullying worldwide. 

Stay tuned for more Anti-Bullying initiatives through the month of October. 

“We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided." Albus Dumbledore

2020-2021 School Year – Translations

Here are several documents/guides from the county that are translated in several languages.

Collections for Books

Collection cans are outside at the far left entrance for parents to drop off any materials or paperwork. Please drop off any important papers or documents in a sealed envelope addressed to the staff member or department intended and include your first and last name and the name of your student on any item that is left in the collection cans.

The Council of Elders (TCOE) and HCPSS Workshops

TCOE and HCPSS have partnered to sponsor a parent workshop series. There will be a total of four workshops offered and each session will be held virtually.  The flyer is attached and can be shared with families in your school community.

Save the Date-Council of Elders-1.pdf 

Reporting Student Absence

If a student has to be absent from school, a note must be submitted to

When emailing a note, you will receive an automated message to verify that your email was received.

Please do not send attendance notes to your child's teachers.

If you have any questions about your child's attendance, please email

HCPSS Free Flu Clinics, October 2020 Free Flu Clinics.pdf

Spanish version flu-clinic-spanish.pdf 


From the Patapsco Music Boosters

Thank you to all parents and principal Mike Babe, who attended our kick-off meeting for the school year on 9/29.  We are also grateful to treasurer Diane Interrante for leading the meeting in the absence of a Boosters' president at this time.  It's wonderful to have your support!  Please mark your calendars for the next meeting of the Patapsco Music Boosters at 7 PM on Tuesday, November 17th.  We will send a Zoom meeting link in advance.  If you are interested in volunteering with or receiving meeting minutes or updates from the Patapsco Music Boosters, please send your name, student's name, and preferred e-mail address to with the subject heading "Volunteer List."  This will replace the paper Volunteer sign-up sheets that we used to send home with students.

Free Food Distribution

The Catholic Community of Ascension and St. Augustine has partnered with Lancaster Foods and Feed America, and have received a grant to distribute boxes of food that contain 36 pounds of fresh fruit, vegetables, dairy, and meat.The boxes will be distributed on Saturdays beginning at 10:00 am on Saturdays during the month of October at Ducketts Lane Elementary. Each vehicle will be eligible to receive one box of food,and all participants must wear a face mask during pickup. There are no income or documentation restrictions. We have requested ove 2,000 boxes of food, but once the food is gone it is gone. You are welcome to come each week that the program is available to receive food.

Location:  Ducketts Lane Elementary School, 6501 Duckett Lane,  Elkridge, MD 21075 

Saturday, October 3, 2020, 10 AM

Saturday, October 10, 2020, 10 AM

Saturday, October 17, 2020, 10 AM

Saturday, October 24, 2020, 10 AM

Saturday, October 31, 2020, 10 AM

Community Notices:

Please visit the Community News and Programs page at for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations.