Knightly Newsletter



10/14: MAP Testing (Math) 9 AM - 11 AM

10/14: Internet Safety Presentation hosted by Patapsco PTA, 7:00 PM

10/16: Schools close 3 hours early. No half-day Pre-K/RECC

11/3: Schools and offices closed - Election Day (State-mandated holiday)

11/6: Schools close 3 hours early. Professional Workday

11/16/20: American Education Week


Additional Synchronous Support Periods

Students have an opportunity to receive additional support twice a week for each of their 4 classes. This is a great time for students to ask questions and/or get assistance with synchronous and/or asynchronous work. Please encourage your students to take advantage of this opportunity for small group support from their teacher. The code is the same code they would use for that class period. These codes and times can be found on their teachers canvas page.             

Period 1 Support 8:30-8:50 Monday and Thursday

Period 2 Support 8:30-8:50 Tuesday and Friday

Period 3 Support 2:55-3:15 Monday and Thursday

Period 4 Support 2:55-3:15 Tuesday and Friday

Homeroom/SEL period

Each Monday at 10:50 AM, all students go to their homeroom/SEL. We want to remind our students and families that Homeroom sessions are on the student’s schedule and attendance is taken just like periods 1-4 during the week.

MAP Math Assessment

MAP Math assessment is scheduled for Wednesday, October 14th from 9:00AM to 11:00AM. On Monday, your child’s homeroom teacher will post a message on their Canvas Page about MAP Math, make-up sessions, and support with device check.

Does your child have problems with his/her/their device check?

  • Ms. McNabb is conducting a drop-in support session for students to do device check at 2:55PM – 3:15PM on Monday, October 12th
  • Students may email their device check concerns and questions to Ms. McNabb
  • Information is posted on student’s homeroom/sel page

Make-up for MAP Math & Reading

  • Make-up MAP reading and math information (date, time, google meet code) can be found on your child’s homeroom teacher’s Canvas page
  • Parents/students may select the make-up test date (2 options) and students may automatically report to testing on that date/time

Students Exempt from MAP Math

Students who are taking either of the following math courses during semester 1 or 2: Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, or Statistics

In order to prepare for the MAP test

Please have your child complete a device check to ensure there are no technology issues on the day of testing. Please see below for more information to complete this task:

When will MAP scores be available to parents?

We need parents’ support with making sure their child reports to testing on time and gives their best effort. Please, email Mrs. Harmon (assistant principal) at  if you have any questions about MAP.

Half-Day Schedule     

Our first scheduled half-day is coming up on October 16th. For your planning purposes, please see the schedule below for class times. This schedule will also be in effect on the following dates, all of which are half-days as per the Board Approved calendar for the 2020/21 school year.

  • Friday, November 6, 2020
  • Monday, November 23, 2020
  • Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Student Day: 8:30-12:15

The student schedule is:

8:30-9:15    –   Period 1

9:30-10:15  –   Period 2

10:30-11:15 –  Period 3

11:30-12:15 –  Period 4

For more information please visit

Patapsco School Library is Open for Business!!!

Our library has thousands of great books!  We are excited to let you know that you may now check books out and pick them up curbside at our school.

Begin by creating a login account for our school library.  Directions for creating your account can be found in the Library Media module of  the Patapsco Middle School Student Resources course.  Use this link to go directly to the page of instructions.  Once your account is created it will be quick and easy to request books and manage your holds.  Here is more details and a demonstration.

Curbside pick up and drop off will be available on Wednesday's from 9:00 - 2:00.  You may borrow up to 4 books at a time for three weeks.  For more information about how curbside service works go to this website

Not sure what you want to read?  Check our Catalog or send me a note.  If you have questions or need help creating your library account login, use Canvas or email me at

All of this information can be found in the Library Media Module of the Patapsco Student Resources course.  

Happy Reading!

Mrs. McNabb

From the Health Room

All 7th graders must have the required MCV4 and Tdap vaccines prior to returning to the building for in person instruction. If your student has had these and you have not provided the health room with the updated record you may email the nurse. If your student has not had these please contact your physician to schedule an appointment. Any questions please email the nurse at

Cyber Safety: How to Keep Your Child Safe in a Digital World

***Check out this amazing and informative event hosted by our PTA for our parents/families!*** 

Presented by the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force

October 14, 2020 7PM via Zoom

Register in Advance: eE:

Parents will learn how to protect their children in a digital world. Topics will include: social media apps, online safety, gaming, online predators, and cyberbullying. This seminar is free and intended for parents only. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

School Meals

Beginning Monday, October 12, HCPSS will add a snack and dinner to each weekday meal, in addition to breakfast and lunch already being served. Additionally, weekend meals will be included with meals provided on Fridays, and in pre-ordered meals picked up on Thursdays.

HCPSS also has adjusted the pre-order process. Meals for multiple days need to be pre-ordered at least two days in advance for pickup on Mondays and Thursdays. Pre-order meal pickups will be offered only on those two days, to enable Food and Nutrition Services to improve service and efficiency while balancing staffing and food resources.

Full details on HCPSS student meal offerings can be found online.



Community Notices:

Please visit the Community News and Programs page at for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations.