Collection of Semester 1 Materials
Patapsco Middle School will collect Semester 1 instruments, textbooks, and workbooks on January 25 and 26 from 8:00am to 3:00pm. In order to ensure the safety of all individuals, tables and bins will be placed near the entrance of the school for no contact drop-off. Please, put your child's name, grade, and name of teacher on all materials returned by printing out and completing the Returned Materials Form or by recording this information on a sheet of paper. If you have a question about whether materials need to be returned, please contact your child's teacher.
Items to be returned include: instruments and reading intervention books
*In the event of inclment weather on January 25 or 26, feel free to drop off items on January 27 between 8:00am and 3:00pm.
Distribution of Semester 2 Materials: January 28 – 29 and February 3:
Items to be distributed will include:
art supplies for students enrolled in ART for quarters 3 or 4 (you can check Canvas to see if your student is enrolled in Art)
Parents/students will be contacted by teachers in advance about other materials to pick up during this timeframe
Please, plan on arriving during any of the times and dates noted below.
January 28 from 11:00AM - 1:00PM
January 29 from 9:00AM - 1:00PM
February 3 from 12:30PM to 5:00PM
The safety of parents/guardians, students, and staff is important to us, so please adhere to the following guidelines:
1. Students and parents/guardians should remain in their cars and adhere to social distancing guidelines throughout this process. Students, staff, and family members must wear masks.
2. Students and parents/guardians will not be allowed entry into the school building for any reason.
3. When approaching the school, please have a sign with student's name, grade, and materials needed displayed in the front window on the passenger side.
4. Cars will line up in front of the school building as they arrive. A staff member will check the sign in the front car window to find out which materials are needed. Parents/guardians and students must have their masks on while the vehicle is parked in front of the school. To obtain contactless delivery, staff will place materials in the trunk of the vehicle. This will allow for social distancing.
If you have any questions, contact Mrs. Harmon at .