Knightly News


Upcoming Events:

4/26   Picture Day, 8 - 11 AM (In person students) & 3:30 - 6:00 PM (Virtual students)

4/30   Picture Day, 8 - 11 AM (In person students)

5/13   No School for students - Professional Learning Day

5/19   MAP Reading Testing, 8-11AM (more information will be posted in May)

5/19   PTA Virtual Meeting, 7PM

5/26   MAP Math Testing, 8-11AM (more information will be posted in May)

5/31   No School - Memorial Day



Your child's Quarter 3 Report Card are accessible via HCPSS Connect 

Parents/guardians may view/download report cards by taking the following steps:

  1. Log in to HCPSS Connect using your parent email and password

  2. Select More Options from the left panel

  3. Select Report Cards from the middle

  4. Select the report card you wish to access


Tardy Student Protocol

If your student arrives late to school, they will need to go to Student Services to obtain a late pass. If your student is late due to an appointment or illness, please send them in with a parent or doctor note or email .



We are excited that the long awaited PICTURE Day(s) are next week at PMS! Patapsco Middle School with the partnership of School Pictures will be hosting PICTURE DAY(s) at Patapsco on April 26, 2021. This will be the ONLY opportunity for both hybrid and virtual students to have their pictures taken for SY 2020-21! NO Make up days will be offered this year. You must Pre-Order Portraits on-line ( type in Pre-Order code EV4C5G92). Deadline to order is Saturday, April 24 at midnight. Students do not have to have their picture taken. Parents, please let your student know if you have purchased a package so they know to have their picture taken because we will call students down on Monday and Friday during the day by teacher.


In-Person Students: 

  • A Day Students: Monday, April 26, 2021 during the school day (8:00 AM - 11:00 AM). No Need to Sign up! 

  • B Day Students: Friday, April 30, 2021 during the school day (8:00 AM - 11:00 AM).  No Need to Sign up! 

Virtual Students: 

April 26, 2021 from 3:30 to 6:00 PM at PMS. Virtual students must sign up for a slot using this link. You must Pre-Order Portraits on-line ( type in Pre-Order code EV4C5G92). Deadline to order is Saturday, April 24 at midnight. Please wear a mask and be on time for your appointment to maintain proper social distancing. Please provide the student's name at the time of registration. 

Picture Day Instructions

  • Please arrive 5 minutes before your scheduled time to ensure that you do not miss your time slot.

  • Please have proper face coverings on and remain in your car until your official time slot opens. If you are late, you will have to wait for an opening, so please come at the beginning of your given time.

  • Please drive around to the back of school to the cafeteria doors and check in with a staff member. Only the student may enter the building. Parents/guardians are requested to wait in the car or in the parking lot. 


Students of the Month for March

Congratulations to the following Knights who have been nominated by our staff to be the March Students of the Month. They have exhibited being Resilient, Responsible, and/or Respectful!





Abe B.

Amy G.

Abhinaysai G.

Akshaini P.

Anwitalaxmi S.

Adam T.

Ali B.

Ariaan K.

Allyson M.

Asia L.

Aryan U.

Antony F.

Brandon J. S.

Brithi S.

Ben B.

Dylan G.

Dahlia S.

Charlotte H.

Eleanor S.

Eva R.

Charlotte L.

Grant S.

Giselle S.

Ciena E.

Greg I.

Kalyn D.

Deven C.

Jackson C.

Lauryn L.

Frances M.

Lila M.

Layla H.

Rayhaan A.

Luke C.

Liya H.

Renee G.

Nihara E.

Madelyn V. P.

Ronald “Trey” B.

Rajit R.

Mian F.

Sandeep K.

Shamiq K.

Nneka E.

Sankalp P.

Tia J.

Rachel C.

Victoria M.

Tiffany G.

Ritika P.


Sam R.


Surya N.


Tanvi M.


Tyson S.


Vaughn K.



Important Reminders


Español  | 中文  | 한국어

HCPSS is planning for a full-time online option for students entering grades K-12 who wish to learn virtually for the 2021-2022 school year. Once finalized, the Digital Education Center (DEC) program will give students the opportunity to take classes and earn credits virtually, while receiving support services from both the DEC and their assigned home school.

Parents/guardians who wish to commit to the DEC should log in to HCPSS Connect Synergy by Wednesday, May 5 at 4 p.m. (see directions below). Families must commit to the DEC for the full 2021-2022 school year. Click here for more information.

To access the commitment form:

  1. Log in to HCPSS Connect Synergy using parent/guardian credentials

  2. Select More Options from the left panel

  3. Select Digital Education Center Commitment from the middle of the page

  4. Complete the questions in the form for each child and select “save”


Student Service Learning (SSL)

Each year students must complete 25 hours of Student Service Learning in middle school for a total of 75 hours as part of the graduation requirement from high school. This year, students will be earning their 25 hours in their science course. Students currently taking science will be completing their Student Service Learning form this semester. Students who were enrolled in science for the first semester already completed their forms and if any students did not turn in their form, they will be contacted by their counselor. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. who is our School Based SSL Coordinator. 

8th Grade Title: Air Quality Recommendations 

7th Grade Title: Chesapeake Bay Environmental Advocacy

6th Grade Title: Responding to a Severe Weather Event


2021 Summer Programs Registration Reopens April 15

Registration window: Thursday, April 15, 6 p.m. through Thursday, April 29th, at 6:00PM.

The window for online enrollment requests will reopen for currently enrolled HCPSS students for the BSAP Summer Institute, Gifted and Talented Summer Institutes for Talent Development, Innovative Pathways High School (Math and Science only), and STARTALK Chinese Language Summer Camp.

All courses will be available for request, including credit recovery, except for GearUp (Foundations of English and Foundations of Math), which will be available during the May registration window (May 15 at 6:00pm - May 29 at 6:00pm). 

If you are interested in enrolling your child, visit their website-


From the Health Room 

If you believe your child has symptoms consistent with COVID-19 or your child is a close contact with someone with COVID-19 symptoms, including anyone who lives in your home, please keep your child home from school and contact your Megan Blouse, School Nurse immediately. 

For more information on HCPSS Emergency Preparedness, please visit the HCPSS website.

Medication Drop Off

Medication Drop off for all students will be every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday between 8:30-2:00.

When you arrive at the building, please go to the door and ring the buzzer. Let the front office know that you are dropping off medication and the nurse will come get the medication from you.

Please make sure all medications have a physician order, and that both the physician and the parent have signed the medication order form. All prescription medications must have the pharmacy label on the bottle. All over the counter medications must be in a new unopened bottle. Be sure to check that the medications are not expired. Please have the medications and orders clearly labelled with the student’s name and grade in a zip lock bag.

If you are unable to drop off medications during these days and times please contact the nurse at or 410-313-2848 to make other arrangements.

Here is the link to medications forms:

Parents of 6thgrade students…

Reminder that all students entering 7th grade are required by the State of Maryland to have the MCV4 and Tdap vaccines prior to the first day of 7th grade. Many students may have already received these immunizations, but the Health Room may not have the updated immunization record.  Please contact your child’s doctor and email an updated copy of your child’s immunizations to

**Symptom Check Daily**

Parents/guardians, please remember to perform a symptom check daily, prior to your child’s departure from home. Please reference the Health Room Updates Google doc for details.


**IMPORTANT** Parent Contact Information

Please ensure your contact information is current and up to date so that we can contact you in the event of an illness or emergency.  If possible, have a secondary emergency backup person identified who will be able to pick up your child if you are unable to.  All ill students must be picked up from the health room.


Menu for students who are eating breakfast/lunch at school or picking it up from school.


Knightly Newsletters

All previous newsletters are posted under News at 


Community Notices:

In response to community requests for resources, HCPSS’ new Community News and Programs website makes it easy for families to find educational and recreational resources, events and after-school programs beyond the school day by non-profit organizations.”

Community organizations requesting their announcements be shared in school newsletters should visit for more information. Questions should be directed to the Public Information Office at