Knightly News



8/25/21: Schedules will go live for students and families in Synergy

8/26/21: New Student (Rising 6th Grader) and New to Patapsco 8th Grader (Never attended Patapsco) Family Orientation at 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM

8/26/21: Rising 7th Grader Student and Family Orientation at 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

8/26/21: PTA Sponsored Block Party at Patapsco Middle for all students and families 2:00 - 4:00 PM outside

8/26/21: 8th Grade Open House - 8th Grade students will have the opportunity to walk through the building from 3:00-4:00 PM. 

8/30/21: First day of school for students (student day: 8:05 - 2:50 PM)

9/6/21 Schools and Offices closed 

9/7/21 Schools and Offices closed 

9/9/21: Back to School Knight at 6 PM 

9/16/21: Schools and Offices closed 

9/22/21: PTA meeting- All are invited! We would love to see you there

9/27/21: School Picture Day

Refer to the Patapsco Calendar to stay up-to-date with all the events at Patapsco Middle School. 


From the Principal’s Desk…

Dear Patapsco Families:

It is hard to believe that school is about to start! It is so exciting for us here at Patapsco Middle!  This year will be normalized in-person instruction. We, as a staff, started on Thursday and I cannot put in words the excitement that this staff has for building positive relationships and teaching your children this year! It has been 18 months and we are looking forward to an in-person normalized instruction. Our staff has been working really hard on setting up their classrooms, collaborating with each other, and creating lessons that build a sense of “community.” This year is going to be an amazing school year!

We are excited to greet each and every child with care, compassion, and love on August 30. We know this year will be a big change for many of our students- please know we are ready to support them and we are excited to see them. 

Families, save the date of September 9 for Back to School Knight. All families will be invited to attend BTS-Knight at Patapsco Middle from 6-8 PM. You will be able to travel around the building and attend each of your student’s classes to hear from their teachers. We look forward to seeing you! 

Finally, I want to thank the PTA on behalf of the staff for the fabulous breakfast they provided on our opening day. It was delicious and we appreciate our wonderful families. Kudos to Ms. Muirhead for organizing, our parent volunteers, and our PTA exec board!! What a great way to start the year!

Wishing you a great weekend,

Mike Babe



Orientations and Open House on Thursday, August 26:


  1. 6th grade and New (never been a Patapsco student before) to Patapsco 8th graders Orientation: 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM 

6th grade students and families as well as NEW to Patapsco students and families are invited to our orientation on Thursday, August 26 at 1:30 PM. Students will enter the building and go directly to the gym to be greeted by their homeroom teachers. Parents and families will be invited to the cafeteria to hear from Mr. Babe and Ms. Dinicola. If parents are unable to attend, that is fine and students are still able to attend. Students will start in homeroom and briefly attend all of their classes so they are familiar with the building before the first day of school. At the end, students will have the opportunity to practice opening their locker. Please do not decorate the locker as there is very limited time and students can bring their items the first week of school. 

Do not worry if your student is unable to attend...our staff will welcome and orient each student the first week of school with plenty of love and patience. All students and families must wear a mask when entering the building.

Then all students and families are invited to the PTA sponsored Block Party outside from 2-4 PM. 

  1. 7th grade Orientation: 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

7th grade students and families are invited to our orientation on Thursday, August 26 at 11:30 AM. Students will enter the building and go directly to the gym to be greeted by their homeroom teachers. Parents and families will be invited to the cafeteria to hear from Mr. Babe and Ms. Dinicola. Parents, feel free to drop off your student and pick them up at 12:30 or feel free to stay in the cafeteria. Students will start in homeroom and briefly attend all of their classes so they are familiar with the building before the first day of school since many 7th graders did not attend physically last year. At the end, students will have the opportunity to practice opening their locker. Please do not decorate the locker as there is very limited time and students can bring their items the first week of school. 

Do not worry if your student is unable to attend...our staff will welcome and orient each student the first week of school with plenty of love and patience. All students and families must wear a mask when entering the building.

Then all students and families are invited to the PTA sponsored Block Party outside from 2-4 PM. 

  1. Open House for 8th graders or any other student on Thursday, August 26 from 3:00 - 4:00 PM


       Our 8th graders and any other student who wants to walk the building to refamiliarize themselves with Patapsco will have the opportunity from 3:00 - 4:00 PM. Classrooms will not be unlocked and student schedules will not be printed but students will be able to access their own schedule on synergy. Maps will be available for students to walk the halls so they are comfortable for the first day of school.


PTA Block Party

Please join the PTA for a block party on the fields from 2pm - 4pm on Thursday, Aug 26th.  All students welcome -- come see old friends and meet some new ones!  Rain or Shine!

We will also need some help to run this event.  Please sign up to volunteer!


Student Schedules

Will be available via Synergy on August 25 and Canvas on August 26. Please note we are continuing to balance classes based on changing enrollment.


Information for the Upcoming School Year

We encourage you to review the HCPSS Reopening Plan for detailed information regarding the start of the school year, the recent HCPSS  health and safety communication, check the HCPSS 2021-2022 School Year site for additional updates and resources

Will students use lockers and backpacks?

Each student will be assigned a locker the first day of school. Students will also be allowed to carry their backpack with them throughout the day. Students will need to transport their Chromebook with them. 


Masks will be required by all students, staff, visitors, and families who enter Patapsco Middle. Masking is required on school buses for everyone, regardless of vaccination status. Masks are not required outdoors, but are still recommended for unvaccinated individuals. Students may remove their mask to eat and drink but must immediately place it back on when they are no longer eating/drinking.  Students will have the option to eat outside as well. 

There will be some students and staff, particularly students with disabilities, who may not be able to wear a mask. HCPSS staff will provide the necessary supports and accommodations to ensure those individuals may participate in in-person instruction in a safe and healthy manner. In addition to masking, several other mitigation strategies will be implemented to ensure school buildings remain healthy environments for teaching and learning.


School breakfast and lunch will be served in the cafeteria at no cost to students through the entire 2021-2022 school year, any day that schools are open. All meal service will be grab and go, with no self-service or a la carte items offered. 

Student Technology

Students in grades 6-8 will be expected to bring Chromebooks back and forth to school each day. They will be able to secure them in their lockers during lunch period. 

What are the expectations on the bus?

Buses will be back to capacity with windows and roof hatches open for ventilation when possible and students and drivers will be wearing masks.

School Supply List

The school supply list for 21-22 school year

We also encourage each student to bring a reusable, non-glass water bottle daily!


Update Your Family File!

Family File is now available for the 2021-22 school year: Parents can now access and complete the FAMILY FILE for this year and it is done through HCPSS CONNECT. Parents must complete the Family File every year to ensure HCPSS has the most current information for each child. Once logged in, parents/guardians will be asked to verify, or update the following information: Student Information, Parent/Guardian Contact, Emergency Contact, Medical Information, Arrival/Dismissal Procedures, Photo Approval, Data Confidentiality, PTA/PTSA Directory.

Updating your information, including EMAIL addresses and contact information, and pushing the SUBMIT button will ensure that you are receiving the most recent news from Patapsco Middle School. 

If you've forgotten how to access your Connect account, or are new to the system, you can find all the information here including instructions in English, Korean & Spanish as well as a video link.  

Please have this back-to-school necessity completed by the beginning of school, 8/30/21. If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Douglass at who is available to assist you. Thank you for completing the Family File.


Bus Transportation

Bus number, bus stop, and additional information will be posted on the HCPSS website by Tuesday, August 24.


Late Arrivals

Students will come to the front door and ring the buzzer. Then go to Student Services to sign in.


Early Dismissals

Parents/Guardian will come to the front doors and ring the buzzer for early dismissals. Parents/Guardians MUST present your driver’s license when you arrive.  A work ID is not valid.


From The Health Room

Dear Patapsco Middle Parents and Guardians,

Maryland State Department of Health and Mental Hygiene requires all incoming 7th grade students in the state of Maryland to have one Tdap and one Meningitis vaccine BEFORE entering school.  

Some students may have already received these immunizations, but the Health Room may not have the updated immunization record.  Please contact your child’s health care provider and send or fax an updated copy of your child’s immunizations to the Health Room.  The fax number at Patapsco Middle Health Room is 410-313-2852.

Immunizations may also be sent to Megan Blouse, school nurse, at  

Failure to provide proof of updated immunizations by the first day of school, or to provide evidence of an appointment to receive those immunizations within 20 calendar days from the first day of school, will result in your student being excluded from school.  If you have any questions, please contact the school nurse.​​​​​​​

Megan Blouse, RN

HC Health Department Vaccine Clinics

Please click on the link below for important information on Howard County Health Department's upcoming vaccination clinics.

HCHD vaccination clinic information

Back To School Vaccine Clinic 

Back To School Vaccine Clinic Spanish (ESPANOL) 


FREE Vaccine Clinics

The Howard County Health Department is holding a vaccine clinic at Hammond High School on Thursday, August 26th.

Howard Community College is holding a vaccine clinic in the Athletic Center on campus on Monday, August 30th, and Tuesday, August 31st.

Both organizations will be providing back-to-school and Covid-19 vaccines. See the fliers below for additional details.