Parent/Teacher Conferences


Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled for November 22-24, 2021 and will be held virtually. Starting today (Monday, November 8th) through Thursday, November 18th, parents/guardians can log into HCPSS Connect to view and select available time slots to conference with teachers. 


The purpose of this conference window is to allow parents/guardians the opportunity for a conference with staff to discuss student progress. Accordingly, each conference slot is 15 minutes long and will be conducted through google meets. If you have a pressing concern, you are strongly encouraged to contact the teacher to discuss it outside of the conference window. Additionally, if you would like to request an in-person conference, please submit your request to to be accommodated. Synergy Conference Management allows users to schedule time with individual teachers. We do not recommend scheduling your conferences back-to-back as you will lose meeting time while logging into your next meeting. 


To permit access to our staff by all parents with interest, we ask that parents schedule conferences only for those classes for which there are concerns. Unlike your experience in elementary school, middle level educators do not have a slot for each and every student. So, please be strategic about who you’d like to see and mindful of the need for your neighbors to have the same access.


For step by step directions, please refer to the synergy-parent-teacher-conference-registration-1.pdf . Should you have any questions or require assistance scheduling your appointments during the scheduling window, please contact Lindsey Miles, Student Services Secretary, via email at questions about availability or course specific questions, please contact the teacher directly.