Heart and Sole helps girls (this includes any female-identifying and non-binary young people) unleash their potential by focusing on five key things: body, brain, heart, spirit, and connection. Heart and Sole is the 6th-8th grade Girls on the Run program. Coaches inspire girls to value what makes them unique, and together, participants uncover confidence and understand the importance of physical and emotional health. Girls work on setting goals geared toward physical and emotional health, and actualize those goals through exercise, discussion, and connection.
The spring program runs from Monday, March 20th (first practice) to Monday, June 5th (end-of-year celebration). Each season ends with a noncompetitive 5K (Saturday, June 3) where girls celebrate who they are, how far they have come, and where they want to go. The program will run after school on Mondays and Thursdays from 2:50 pm - 4:15 pm.
Participants must register through Girls on the Run of Central Maryland and can do so using the following link, once registration opens on Sunday, February 19th - Heart & Sole Registration
If you have questions/concerns about the program, registration process/fees (financial assistance is available!!), or anything else, please contact the intramural sponsor, Ms. Grace Kelly grace_kelly@hcpss.org