updated February 14, 2023
Student Absences
If your student has to be absent from school, please submit a note to pmsabsence@hcpss.org or send a note in with your child to submit to Student Services.
If your child has been lawfully absent from school and a note has been submitted, they will have the opportunity to make up missed work.
When emailing a note, you will receive an automated message to verify that your email was received.
Please do not send attendance notes to your child's teachers.
If you have any questions about your child's attendance, please email pmsabsence@hcpss.org.
If you would like to submit a Discretionary Absence Form FILLABLE.pdf form, please fill out it out and email it to pmsabsence@hcpss.org.
Please review the HCPSS Attendance Policy for further information.
Late Arrivals:
Students will report to Student Services to sign in and receive a pass when arriving late to school.
Parents may send students in with a note. Students who arrive late due to lawful reasons (i.e. doctor’s appointment, etc.) will be considered Tardy Excused.
Early Dismissals:
Parents/ Guardians will sign students out from the front office for early dismissals.
Parents/Guardians are to show their photo ID upon arrival to confirm their eligibility to pick up the student in the family file.
If you know that your student will have an early dismissal ahead of time, you may send in a note with your child or call the front office to let them know when you will be picking them up and who will be picking them up.