HCPSS Student Code of Conduct, Student Handbook & Google Meet Expectations
Each day we work to recognize and celebrate positive behaviors, but we also must follow the Howard County Public School System countywide discipline code. For your convenience, click here for the HCPSS Student Code of Conduct. During the first few weeks of school, teachers will be reviewing expectations and procedures for their classrooms, and teachers and staff will review important county policies that every student is responsible for understanding and following this year. It is also important for parents/guardians to review these policies with your children. Please take time over the next week or so to review the policies contained in the Student/Parent Handbook, as these are important for you to be familiar with throughout the duration of your child’s time in HCPSS. This is also a good time to review Google Meet Expectations for Students and Parents/Guardians to help ensure a positive virtual learning experience. Knowing and understanding the expectations regarding policies and procedures for the year will lead to a positive and engaging learning experience for all.
Student Class Expectations in Google Meets
Adhere to HCPSS Policy 8080 Responsible Use Technology and Social Media and other relevant HCPSS policies.
Follow the school’s 3 R’s - (Resilient, Responsible, and Respect)
Students will only be permitted into a Google Classroom session with a HCPSS email account. All students can be identified through their HCPSS email account.
Inappropriate/offensive/threatening comments, misrepresentation of identity, and/or disruptive participants (invited or uninvited) during Google Classroom sessions will not be tolerated.
Sharing login information violates the confidentiality rights of other students and places them at risk of having to witness disruptive behaviors from students who are not members of the class or school community.
Students who are disruptive and/or “trespass” Google Classroom sessions will be immediately reported to administration and will receive appropriate consequences in accordance with the HCPSS Code of Conduct. Consequences may result in temporary or permanent loss of technology access, which will also result in a student's inability to participate in Google Classroom sessions; arrangement for receiving instruction and assignments will be established by administration communicated and arranged with parents.
Virtual Instruction Responsibilities, Expectations and Best Practices