10/30: Coffee and Conversation with Administration and Student Services 8-9 AM
11/3: Schools and offices closed - Election Day (State-mandated holiday)
11/6: Schools close 3 hours early - Professional Workday. End of 1st marking period
11/16: Report Cards Posted
11/16 through 11/20: American Education Week
11/17: Music Boosters Meeting, 7 PM
11/18: PTA Meeting, 7 PM
11/23 - 11/24: Schools close 3 hours early - Parent/Teacher Conferences
11/25: School closed - Parent/Teacher Conferences
11/26 - 11/27: School closed - Thanksgiving Holiday
Join us for Virtual Coffee and Conversation! Coffee with Administration.png
Best Buddies
Join us for Best Buddies!! Best Buddies is a world-wide organization that aims at promoting friendships between all students. Our vision, as an intramural, is to promote acceptance, understanding, and friendship.
The Best Buddies intramural will be held, Thursdays from 3:30-4:30 PM from November through the end of January in a virtual format. Enjoy fun activities and time to make some friends.
Those interested in joining, please fill out the linked intramural permission form. Permission forms will be accepted through Friday, November 5. Details with dates and meeting times is listed on the permission form. Space is limited but a Spring session may be held based on interest.
Best Buddies Intramural Permission Form
Email Ms. Stubleski or Ms. Whelan with any questions you may have.
Quarter One ends on November 6
As we start to end quarter one (I cannot believe it has already gone by this fast), we wanted to share some reminders. Please also look at Canvas to monitor your student’s progress. Email your student’s teachers if you have any questions. The quarter ends November 6 so there is plenty of time to make progress for quarter one. November 6 is also the mid-point for semester courses.
Support Sessions
We are already finding that students that regularly attend the 8:30 AM and 2:55 PM Support Sessions are performing better on classroom tasks or assessments. We strongly encourage students to attend. If your student missed a class or an assignment, the best way to connect with the teacher is to attend the support session.
Sesiones de Apoyo
Ya estamos descubriendo que los estudiantes que asisten regularmente a las 8:30 AM y 2:55PM sesiones de apoyo rinden mejor en tareas y exámenes. Recomendamos fuertemente a los estudiantes que asistan. Si su estudiante se perdió una clase o tarea, la mejor manera de conectarse con el maestro es asistir a la sesión de apoyo.
While cameras are not required - our staff is finding that students that regularly have their cameras on are more engaged, attentive, and participating more. Most importantly - we really love and miss your kids and it is great when the class is able to interact with one another.
World Language Testing
The Office of World Languages will be testing our Heritage Speakers of Spanish to establish high school placement on November 13, 2020. Attached, is a flyer in Spanish with more information about the assessment.
La Oficina de Idiomas evaluará a nuestros hispanohablantes para establecer colocación en la escuela secundaria el 13 de noviembre de 2020. Se adjunta un volante en español con más información sobre la evaluación.
Updates on School Meals
The free school meals have been extended through the end of the 2020-2021 school year. Thus, HCPSS will be able to provide meals at no cost to any HCPSS student, and all children 18 and under, through the entire school year, assuming continued availability of USDA funding. Please come to Patapsco Middle as one of Grab-and-Go Meal Sites.
Full details on HCPSS student meal offerings can be found online.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Please look out for information in a future Knightly News about parent-teacher conferences and sign-up instructions. You will be able to sign-up for conferences through Synergy beginning November 13. Conferences will take place Nov. 23-25 for a duration of 15 minutes each. We encourage parents/guardians to start to think about conferences. For Related Arts courses, which are one quarter, will have conferences for the second quarter only.
Patapsco School Library is Open for Business!!!
Our library has thousands of great books! We are excited to let you know that you may now check books out and pick them up curbside at our school.
Begin by creating a login account for our school library. Directions for creating your account can be found in the Library Media module of the Patapsco Middle School Student Resources course. Use this link to go directly to the page of instructions. Once your account is created it will be quick and easy to request books and manage your holds. Here are more details and a demonstration.
Curbside pick up and drop off will be available Monday through Friday from 8:00 - 3:00. You may borrow up to 4 books at a time for three weeks. For more information about how curbside service works go to this website.
Tip: Check your library account and be sure your book is checked out to you before you make a trip to school to pick up your book. If the book is "in transit" it means your hold request has been received but your books are not yet checked out.
Not sure what you want to read? Check our Catalog or send me a note. If you have questions or need help creating your library account login, use Canvas or email me at mmcnabb@hcpss.org
All of this information can be found in the Library Media Module of the Patapsco Student Resources course.
Mrs. McNabb, Media Specialist
Mathematics Content Support
Exciting news! New resources have been added to the HCPSS Family Math Support Center for grades K-12. Here, you will find links and videos to support your child during their current math course as well as direct access to the “getting ready” courses that combine topics from your child's previous course and preview topics in their upcoming new course. We hope this is helpful and appreciate your support.
Khan Academy has a new section within their site called, Get Ready Courses. This site has the skills students will need for the next grade level. Students can fill gaps, refresh skills, and/or prepare for the next course! The site has activities for grades 3 through precalculus. This is a good place for you to send your student if they don't have math this semester or are in need of extra support. Students do not need to sign in or sign up.
Website: https://www.khanacademy.org/math/get-ready-courses
Reminder: PTA Membership Drive Trick or Treat PMS PTA 2020.png
How Girls Code - November Virtual Classes
Cyber Robotics, November 2nd - 30th How Girls Code.pdf
Community Notices:
Please visit the Community News and Programs page at http://www.hcpss.org/community-news-and-programs/ for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations.